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Bell RInger List two country’s who are primarily industrial? List two country’s who are primarily agricultural? Name an inventor and why their invention.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell RInger List two country’s who are primarily industrial? List two country’s who are primarily agricultural? Name an inventor and why their invention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell RInger List two country’s who are primarily industrial? List two country’s who are primarily agricultural? Name an inventor and why their invention is important.

2 The Emergence of Mass Society
Ch.13 Section 2

3 The New Urban Environment
Urban populations grew quickly b/c of the migration to cities from rural areas Lack of jobs and land drove people from the countryside to the city to look for jobs Living conditions improved the second half of the 19th Century Urban reformers had blamed filthy living conditions as the cause of deadly epidemic diseases City governments created boards of health to improve the quality of housing

4 Housing Improvements “from the toilet to the river in half an hour.”
These improvements caused cities populations to grow faster during the 2nd Industrial Revolution Gas and electric heaters made regular hot baths available to many people European cities were able to bring in clean water and expel sewage “from the toilet to the river in half an hour.”

5 The New elite Made up 5% of European population Controlled 30%-40% of the wealth Aristocrats along with successful industrialists, bankers, merchants, & wealthy upper middle class made up the new elite Many became leaders in the gov’t and military Marriage also served to unite the two groups

6 The middle classes Consisted of many different groups:
Lawyers, doctors, members of civil service, business managers, engineers, architects, accountants, and chemists Just below the upper middle class that made up the “New Elite” The Lower Middle Class Small shopkeepers, traders, and prosperous peasants Provided the classes above them with good’s and services

7 White-collar workers Traveling salespeople, bookkeepers, telephone operators, department stores salespeople, and secretaries Not highly paid, often committed to middle-class ideals Believed in hard work Regular Church goers

8 The Working classes Made up 80% of the European Population
Skilled artisans, semi skilled laborers, and unskilled laborers belong to this class

9 The experiences of women
The 2nd Industrial Revolution opened the door to new jobs for women Began to work as clerks, typists, secretaries, telephone operators Also worked in the fields of education, health, and social services Jobs filled by working class women who aspired to a better quality of life

10 Marriage and the family
Throughout the 1800’s marriage remained the only honorable careers for most women One Important Change: Family size began to drop due improved economic conditions and birth control

11 Women’s Right Movement
Feminism had its roots in the enlightenment but had been largely unsuccessful Some middle class women fought for and gained access to universities 1870:married women in Britain could own some property Training to be doctors was closed to women, some became nurses

12 Famous Nurses British Nurse who served during the Crimean War
Served during the U.S. Civil War Florence Nightingale Clara Barton

13 Other Changes Universal education came about in the 2nd Industrial Revolution This led an increase in literacy rates New forms of leisure also came about including amusement park and professional sports teams

14 Assignment Answer questions 4-8 on page 410 Work on Vocabulary!!!!
(Ch.13 Section Assessment 2) Work on Vocabulary!!!! Due on March 12

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