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Pillar 3 - Development and Growth of the Network

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1 Pillar 3 - Development and Growth of the Network
Session 4: Pillar 3 - Development and Growth of the Network What is it about, generally? Continually strengthen NNs base Grow and bring together different organizations Constantly reaching out to large and small groups and organizations; Synergize actions, become stronger Altogether – be more effective, promote cooperation and understanding between members; contribute to strengthening the European Network.

2 Development and Growth of the Network Two key words in the title
Very roughly can be translated as quantity and quality, or How many of us there are? What are we capable to achieve together?

3 Growth of the Network Why is it important?
Networks becomes stronger and more effective by Investing in the base Better organization of networks to build consensus among different types of anti poverty organisations; Networks opening a space for developing new ideas and perspectives on the realities and solutions to combating poverty and social exclusion; Networks support bringing the change EAPN is fighting for

4 Growth of the Network (2)
How can we do it? Essential: Size of the NN (number and type of members; number of people from member organizations engaged in Network activities). Enlargement of the NN (how many new members have registered over the past year; new activists or volunteers involved in the Network activities). A growth plan, including data collection regarding the perspective of the Network’s enlargement (how many relevant NGOs exist and can be approached, and the number of small NGOs and self-organised groups reached…) Recommended: Designing of a development strategy.

5 Growth of the Network (3)
Documents to support the growth of NN List of NN membership, their main focus and contacts List of NN new membership over the past year, their main focus and contacts List of relevant NGOs that can be invited to join the NN Database of NN members Different examples of enlargement strategies

6 Development of the Network - Training and capacity building
Why is it important? Strong Anti Poverty Networks should be a space for learning and growth for all the people and member organisations involved. Well-functioning Networks have in place training and induction processes for all governing and working structures, and for new people involved. National Networks should provide training and capacity building for better impact of their activities.

7 Development of the Network - Training and capacity building
How should we do it? Essential: Organization of training and capacity-building activities (number and type of activities organized; number of people and (small) organizations reached with capacity building about EU policy-making processes). Exchange of experiences, good and bad practices (number of exchanges and examples of practices exchanged). Participation in EAPN training and capacity-building activities (number/type of activities in which the NN has participated; number of people who participated and the way the learning has been integrated in the National Network).

8 Development of the Network - Training and capacity building
Recommended: Self-assessment, monitoring and support activity. Participation in EAPN statutory and working groups. Developing cooperation with NGO development centres, think tanks and coaching activities…

9 Development of the Network - Training and capacity building
Documents to support our training and capacity building activities List of training and capacity building activities organized by NN (with number and type of activities organized, number of people and (small) organizations reached). Number of exchanges and list of practices exchanged (attaching, if possible, documents on good/bad practices exchanged). Document on participation in EAPN training and capacity-building activities (with number/type of activities and number of people who participate as well as how the learning from these was integrated in the Network). Models of self-assessment, monitoring and support activities. List of participation in EAPN statutory and working groups (containing number/type of groups and number of people who participate) as well as system for engaging Network representatives with EAPN Europe work.

10 Pillar 3: Growth and Development of the Network
Discussion What kind of development and capacity building strategies NNs have put in place? How do networks grow and integrate new members? What are the actions networks can take to develop their potential?

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