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China Falls to Communism

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1 China Falls to Communism
Ch.14 Sec.3

2 Nationalist Overthrow Qing Dynasty
Sun Yixian (soon yee-shyahn): Nationalist Party Leader Overthrew Qing emperor Ended dynasty’s rule since 1644 Sun’s Agenda Nationalism—end foreign control (U.S./European) Democracy—protect people’s rights Economic security—protect people’s livelihoods Never secured national unity

3 WWI Problems Declared war on Germany 1917
Thought Allies would return land to taken by Germany Treaty of Versailles gave land to Japan instead May Fourth Movement Students, workers, shopkeepers, and professionals protested against gov. Turned against Western democracy Favored Soviet Communism

4 Communist Party in China
Mao Zedong Beijing University communist/revolutionary leader Mao’s Communism Bring revolution to a rural country w/ peasant farmers (different than Russia--- cities) Lenin Helps China 1923 sent military and gov. advisers to China

5 Civil War Rages Jiang Jieshi (jee-ahng jee-shee) Replaced Yixian
Turned against communist— massacred thousands Started a civil war between Nationalists and Communist Communist Strategy Moved into the hills of south-central Asia Recruited peasants to join his Red Army & trained them in guerilla warfare

6 Long March Jiang gathered army of 700,000 and surrounded communist
100,000 communist fled over the mts. & started 6,000 journey—Long March Eventually settled in caves---gained thousands of followers during Long March Civil War Suspended Japan saw weakness and invaded during civil war By 1938 Japan held a large portion of China Communist & Nationalist came together and fought against Japan

7 Exit Slip 2-18-16 Ch.14 Sec.2 G. Reading Stalin Organizer & ?’s
Pg. 452 MAIN IDEAS #’s—3,4,5 Pg. 457 MAIN IDEAS #’s---3,4,5 Ch.14 Sec.2 G. Reading Stalin Organizer & ?’s

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