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Who am I ?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I ?

2 Hello, I am red or green. I have got a green cap. I am hot
Hello, I am red or green. I have got a green cap. I am hot! People eat salad with pepper.

3 Hello! I’m white. Some people don’t like me because I have a bad smell.

4 Hello. I’m white or yellow. I have a bad smell like garlic
Hello! I’m white or yellow. I have a bad smell like garlic. People may cry when they peel me.

5 Hello! I am very sour and yellow is the colour of my skin.

6 Hello! I look like a lemon but have a different colour.

7 Hello. I’m brown. You should peel me before cooking
Hello! I’m brown. You should peel me before cooking. People like chips very much.

8 Hello. I’m red and I have got green cap on my head
Hello! I’m red and I have got green cap on my head. I’m the queen of meals. Tomato juice is very delicious.

9 Hello! I’m orange. I live under ground. A rabbit likes to eat me

10 Hello. I have got green and red pyjamas. I have got black buttons, too
Hello! I have got green and red pyjamas. I have got black buttons, too. People eat me in summer.

11 Hello. I am used for making ropes
Hello! I am used for making ropes. I am white inside and brown on the outside. You can also find milk inside me.

12 Hello. I’m purple or green. I’m very sweet. I have got a green leaf
Hello! I’m purple or green. I’m very sweet. I have got a green leaf. People make wine using my juice.

13 Hello! I’m red. I have got black spots on my face.
I have got a green cap, too. I’m very sweet. I have got a nice smell.

14 Hello. I am yellow. I have a great smell. Monkeys like me
Hello! I am yellow. I have a great smell. Monkeys like me. I make cakes and puddings delicious. Vitamin B and C are my best friends.

15 Hello. If you eat me, it will keep the doctor away
Hello! If you eat me, it will keep the doctor away. I can be yellow, green or red. Vitamin A&C are my best friends. I’m good for your health.

16 Hello. My name is the same as that of a colour. I may be sweet or sour
Hello! My name is the same as that of a colour. I may be sweet or sour. You need to peel me to eat me.

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