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Feasibility Study for E-mobility in Montenegro

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Presentation on theme: "Feasibility Study for E-mobility in Montenegro"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feasibility Study for E-mobility in Montenegro
Prepared by Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar for UNDP Montenegro

2 The aim and activities of the Project
How to achieve transformational shift to low carbon road transport in Montenegro? Situation analysis of existing frameworks E-mobility market assessment Cost-benefit analyses for selected cases Proposal for financial incentives

3 Situation analysis of existing frameworks for e-mobility
Environment and climate, transport, construction, homologation, public procurement Electricity – no specific tariffs for e-mobility, high power price Directive 2014/94/EU not transposed Legislation National sustainable development strategy New strategy of transport development, but no National Policy Framework prepared Energy strategy and Energy Efficiency Action plans Strategies Legislation and strategies: competent ministries Infrastructure and vehicles: Centre for motors and vehicles, CEDIS (DSO), Energy Regulatory Agency Financing: Eco-fund Institutions No financial support for purchase of electric vehicle and development of charging infrastructure Annual tax for the use of motor vehicles not paid by owners of electric vehicles Financing

4 E-mobility market assessment
Supply Vehicle dealers Vehicle service Financial institutions E-mobility service providers Demand Public sector Public transport Service providers Citizens Availability of products and services Information Use Incentives


6 Possible future of e-mobility in Montenegro?
REALISTIC scenario OPTIMISTIC scenario

7 What is needed to get to the future?
Incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles

8 What is needed to get to the future?
Favourable conditions for infrastructure development Comparison of costs for the use of distribution grid Country Unit cost of power (EUR/kW) Unit cost of energy (EUR/kWh) Cost of power (for 50 kW) (EUR/month) Cost of energy (for 25 kWh) (EUR/month) TOTAL COST (EUR/month) Slovenia 3,24 0,01 162,15 0,29 162,45 Croatia 5,93 0,03 296,67 0,83 303,01 Montenegro 17,27 0,02 863,67 0,41 864,07 3 charges per day (at 10 EUR per charge) for the whole month (30 days) needed just to cover these costs!

9 Social costs and benefits of e-mobility
COSTS = Public spending for incentives per vehicle -> million EUR per year BENEFITS = Cumulative avoided costs of CO2 emissions 530 million EUR until 2050

10 For inspiration… Source: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Croatia

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