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Chapter 33-24 vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 33-24 vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter vocabulary

2 mulsum

3 wine sweetened with honey

4 ferculum

5 dish, tray

6 gustatio

7 hors d’oeuvre, first course, appetizer

8 niger

9 black

10 pestilentia

11 plague

12 poculum

13 cup, goblet

14 locus

15 place

16 edo

17 to eat

18 compleo

19 to fill

20 irrumpo

21 to burst in

22 iratissimus

23 very/most angry

24 frustum

25 scrap

26 una

27 together

28 ceteri

29 the rest, the others

30 coquus

31 cook, chef

32 scindo

33 to cut, split, carve

34 qua de causa

35 for this reason

36 comparo

37 to buy, obtain, get ready

38 panis

39 bread

40 pullus

41 chicken

42 ovum

43 egg

44 malum

45 apple

46 circum

47 around

48 pulcherrimus

49 most/very beautiful

50 regnum

51 kingdom

52 casu

53 by chance, accidently

54 ignis

55 fire

56 coquo

57 to cook

58 affero

59 to bring, bring to, bring in

60 everto

61 to overturn, upset

62 deicio

63 to throw down, to fall (passive)

64 complures

65 several, many

66 comiter

67 courteously, graciously, in a friendly way

68 aufero

69 to carry away, take away

70 cachinnus

71 laughter

72 optimus

73 best, very good, excellent

74 caro

75 meat

76 Quanti...?

77 How much...?

78 pretium

79 price

80 quidem

81 indeed

82 umquam

83 ever

84 procax

85 insolent, pushy

86 autem

87 however, but

88 pinguis

89 fat

90 minuo

91 to lessen, reduce, decrease

92 immo

93 rather, on the contrary

94 gratis

95 free, for nothing

96 recte

97 rightly, properly

98 vero

99 truly, really, indeed

100 addo

101 to add

102 accipio

103 to receive, get

104 insula

105 island, apartment building

106 vis

107 force, amount

108 ac

109 and

110 incendium

111 fire

112 incola

113 inhabitant, tenant

114 omnia aguntur

115 everything is being done

116 infirmus

117 weak, shaky, frail

118 fenestra

119 window

120 ornamenta

121 furnishings

122 tam

123 so

124 parvus

125 small

126 tabulatum

127 floor, story

128 paene

129 almost

130 opprimuntur

131 they are being overwhelmed

132 eicio

133 to throw out

134 quaero

135 to seek, look for, ask (for)

136 opprimo

137 to overwhelm

138 opprimemini

139 you will be crushed, you will be overwhelmed

140 commoveor

141 I am upset

142 dubium

143 doubt

144 commoveris

145 you are upset

146 servabimur

147 we will be saved

148 paries

149 wall

150 commoveo

151 to move, upset

152 vestis

153 clothing

154 fumus

155 smoke

156 libertus

157 freedman

158 adstantes

159 bystanders

160 finis

161 end, boundary

162 mendicus

163 beggar

164 elegantissimus

165 most elegant, very elegant

166 rixa

167 quarrel

168 celerrimus

169 fastest, very fast

170 eripio

171 take from

172 concurso

173 to run about

174 aufugio

175 to run away, escape

176 recumbo

177 to recline, lie down

178 delecto

179 to delight, amuse

180 ipsius

181 of himself, of herself of itself

182 a servis ferebantur

183 were being carried by slaves

184 summa celeritate

185 with greatest speed

186 portatur

187 is (being) carried

188 crines

189 hair

190 speculum

191 mirror

192 porcus

193 pig

194 sella

195 sedan chair

196 glis

197 dormouse

198 vexatus

199 annoyed

200 pecto

201 to comb

202 vendo

203 to sell

204 neglegenter

205 carelessly

206 cuius

207 whose

208 in quibus

209 among whom

210 ludi circenses

211 chariot races

212 curriculum

213 race track

214 feriae

215 holidays

216 spina

217 center barrier

218 quadriga

219 chariot

220 meta

221 turning post

222 signum

223 signal

224 mappa

225 white cloth, napkin

226 mulier

227 woman

228 faveo

229 favor, support

230 deverto

231 to turn aside, swerve

232 humi

233 on the ground

234 vinco

235 to conquer, win

236 iaceo

237 lie down

238 arripio

239 grab hold of, seize

240 veto

241 forbid

242 noceo

243 harm

244 servo

245 save

246 stringo

247 draw

248 claudo

249 shut

250 accidit

251 it happens

252 aperio

253 open

254 gladius

255 sword

256 oculus

257 eye

258 lutum

259 mud

260 terra

261 earth, ground

262 metus

263 fear

264 praedo

265 robber

266 bona

267 goods, possessions

268 custos

269 guard

270 atrium

271 atrium, main room

272 nisi

273 unless, except

274 nonnumquam

275 sometimes

276 sine

277 without

278 ut Marco videbatur

279 as it seemed to Marcus

280 postridie

281 on the following day

282 domi

283 at home

284 parvulus

285 small, little

286 tumultus

287 uproar, commotion

288 excitatus

289 wakened, awakened

290 de omnibus rebus

291 about everything

292 Eho!

293 Hey!

294 abhinc duas horas

295 two hours ago

296 abhinc

297 ago, previously

298 ad tabernam quandam

299 to a certain shop

300 taberna

301 shop

302 postis

303 doorpost

304 poeta

305 poet

306 aliquid

307 something

308 lapis

309 stone

310 oppressus

311 crushed

312 quadratus

313 squared

314 quod

315 which, that

316 Domus Aurea

317 Golden House (Nero’s)

318 pervenio

319 to arrive (at), reach

320 sterto

321 to snore

322 traho

323 to drag, pull

324 conficio

325 to finish

326 tumultus

327 uproar, commotion

328 strepitus

329 noise, clattering

330 sonitus

331 sound

332 senatus

333 the Senate

334 risus

335 smile, laugh

336 manus

337 hand

338 domus

339 house, home

340 complexus

341 embrace

342 arcus

343 arch

344 aquaeductus

345 aqueduct

346 aestus

347 heat

348 dies

349 day

350 res

351 thing, matter, situation

352 simulac

353 as soon as

354 advenerant

355 they had arrived

356 moles

357 mass, huge bulk

358 viderat

359 s/he had seen

360 attonitus

361 astonished, astounded

362 clausus

363 shut, closed

364 ludi

365 games

366 lego

367 read

368 licet

369 it is allowed

370 liber

371 book

372 Mons Palatinus

373 the Palatine Hill

374 aedifico

375 to build

376 aestu

377 from the heat

378 quem

379 which

380 redieritis

381 you will have returned

382 circumeo

383 to go around

384 occurro

385 to meet, encounter


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