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The glory of New Covenant gospel grace

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1 The glory of New Covenant gospel grace
1 Peter 1:10-12

2 Gospel life in Christ gloriously fulfills the prophecy of fascinated prophets (10-11)
10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, “that was to be yours” – the gift of New Covenant gospel grace, provided through the work of Jesus, is what these suffering believers Peter is writing have received. “searched and inquired carefully,” The glory of what they knew was coming was enthralling. They scrutinized the information God provided them for details about how God will graciously bring spiritual life and hope. 11 inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating These prophets understand the coming Savior and the time to follow His coming will be the most significant in redemptive history. Jesus is the person providing gospel grace and He ushers in this time of gospel grace.

3 Gospel life in Christ gloriously fulfills the prophecy of fascinated prophets (10-11)
when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. The prophets of the Old Covenant were given insight and shared the message of God’s future grace to be poured out in the New Covenant. Psalm 22:1–2 Psalm 22:6–8 Psalm 22:14-18 Psalm 22:27–31 Isaiah 52:13–53:12 The sufferings of the coming Savior were shared with the prophets and they wrote them and shared them with the people. If you are suffering for the gospel of the New Covenant, you are in good company and it is to be expected.

4 Gospel truth came through the selfless service of Old Testament prophets (12a)
12 It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, Old Covenant prophets who shared New Covenant truths understood these glories were for the benefit of others at a future time. Earlier prophets and servants of God and His people should be honored for their selfless and sacrificial service (Cf. Hebrews 11:32-40). If you are suffering for the gospel of the New Covenant, you are in good company and it is to be expected. in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven... There is a blessing because of the rich history of prophetic biblical truth finding its fulfillment in the ministry, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is a blessing from those who comprehend the truth, are transformed by the truth and then faithfully communicate the truth. All this is the fruit of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in and through followers of Jesus.

5 Gospel truth is the focused interest of angels (12b)
“things into which angels long to look.” Gospel life and ministry has the focus of the angels. Angels are constant witnesses of our lives as we reveal the glorious gospel grace of our God. If they are so enthralled, we should be thrilled!

6 Questions to Consider In what ways do you show you are a studious student of the truth of gospel grace in Jesus? How do you show thankfulness and honor for those who shared and suffered to bring you the truth of gospel grace? What impact should it make to know that the transformation of our New Covenant lives has the focused attention of the angels? When suffering for the gospel, how can this passage encourage you?

7 The glory of New Covenant gospel grace
1 Peter 1:10-12

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