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Science – The Solar SyStem

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1 Science – The Solar SyStem
Year 5 Danish Imran Science – The Solar SyStem

2 What is the solar system?
The nine planets along with the asteroids, meteoroids, comets and the Sun, makes the Solar System. The nine planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (Also called a star).

3 Facts on the Solar System
The biggest planet is Jupiter. Even though Mercury is the first planet closest to the Sun, Venus’s surface and weather temperature is higher than Mercury’s Pluto is a dwarf planet Earth is the only planet that consists of life in it. Mars has the biggest volcanoes in it and it has a 24/7 red storm.

4 The big red circle on Jupiter is a hurricane that reaches more than the maximum speed.
Most of the disasters occur on Jupiter. Neptune is a planet full of water.

5 The Sun The Sun is the biggest natural light source that was formed by the Nebula cloud about 50 billion years ago. It contains millions of tiny black spots called Sun spots. One sun spot is 10 times bigger than Earth. This shows how big the Sun is to Earth.

6 It turns into a solar flare after the sun moves
Sun Spots What happens to a sun spot? Look at the picture. It moves It erupts It turns into a solar flare after the sun moves

7 What are asteroids? After Mars, before Jupiter is an orbit of asteroids and meteoroids, this is called the ‘Asteroid belt’. An asteroid is a huge rock, bigger than meteoroids that can hit on any country in Earth at any time.

8 Are meteoroids common or Asteroids?
Well, because asteroids are bigger that meteoroids, asteroids are less in number. This makes meteoroids more common than asteroids.

9 Hope you learnt a lot! Danish Imran Learning XL (Extra Large) Hope you learnt a lot!

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