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Faculty Meeting 1/15/2019 7:05 a.m..

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Meeting 1/15/2019 7:05 a.m.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Meeting 1/15/2019 7:05 a.m.

2 General Guide to Thermostat Settings
Wherever a rooms thermostat is set, there is a corresponding Heat and Cool setting. BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front). Teachers & Staff can adjust thermostats in their rooms. If your room is too cool, set to a higher setting. If your room is too warm, set to a lower setting. Below is where your room will be set based on where the thermostat is set. Example, if set to 74 for AC it will be set to 68 when system switches to heat. If you would like specific information for your thermostat please let me know, I would be happy to visit and work with you to ensure we have comfortable learning environments. David Wert AC 74 75 76 77 78 Heat 68 69 70 71 72 Final Note: If you have a dial type thermostat with numbers, ignore the numbers and adjust up or down as needed. Programming will ensure district limits are not exceeded.

3 IGNORE THE NUMBERS If you are cold, turn the
knob all the way to the right If you are warm, turn the knob all the way to the left IGNORE THE NUMBERS

4 ALICE Drill District Led Thursday, January 24th at 2:00 p.m.
The location of the violent intruder is the most important piece of information when deciding which ALICE step to complete! Remember, if the location details are unclear or you have a doubt about whether you can evacuate safely, it is okay to stay in a locked room and barricade. Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate

5 ALICE (cont.) ALICE is not meant to be sequential! Choose the BEST option for your situation. Always call 911 when it is safe to do so! Emergency Responders will locate staff and students at Rally Points as soon as possible.

6 ALICE (cont.) Star 3 (*3) Say your alert into the phone after dialing.
Hang Up Your announcement will play following the alert tone. It will then repeat.

7 Secure In Place The Secure in Place protocol is meant to be a preventative measure that staff can use when there is a concerning security situation in a building or area that does not rise to the level of an ALICE event. Examples include: Suspicious or unauthorized person in the school or on school grounds. Upset or irate person. Disturbance in the school or on school grounds. Reported threat in the vicinity. Medical emergency in the building. ERR ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION!

8 Secure In Place (cont.) Announcement:
Secure in Place announcement can be made by announcing it over the building intercom system. The announcement should be simple, clear and to the point. A Star Three (*3) activation with no message will also be the signal to Secure In Place!

9 Secure In Place (cont.) What to Do!
Quickly look in the hallway and see if there are any students that can be brought into your room. Close and lock your door. Close window shades. Maintain normal classroom activities, but STAY ALERT for messaging with any further directions. If outside, the adult-in-charge must evaluate the situation and decide whether to return to the building or relocate off campus. Account for all students. Communicate names of missing or additional persons to administration

10 State Testing Dates Science (8th grade only)- March 25th-26th
ELA (6th-8th grades)- April 8th-9th Math (6th-8th grades)- April 15th-16th Teachers administering assessments will complete make-ups with students who need additional time or who area absent in the days that follow testing dates. All dates are on School Wide Calendar- Invites have also been sent to staff administering assessments.

11 Orientation (Spring) Need to complete our Orientation hours this Spring. Need to determine a format for the Orientation. 3:45-6:00 p.m. Need to choose a date.

12 Site Council & PTO Wednesday, January 23rd 4:00- Site Council
5:00- PTO Intro/Informational Meeting

13 Team Newsletters Goal for this week- every team identify their POC and get logged in Goal for next week- send out first newsletter by Friday, January 25th.

14 Grade Level Meetings Look for information in upcoming WW issue.

15 2019-2020 Schedule We will begin developing this soon.
9 week grading periods. Updates will be in WW along with numerous opportunities to provide feedback.

16 February 18th Professional Development
Focus on Standards Based Grading Joining FRMS- PD will be held at JCMS. We will begin the day at 7:20. Lunch needs to be voted on. An with a voting link was sent out last night. This is an anonymous link. Please vote by 3:00 p.m. today, lunch length will be determined at that time. Look for more info in next week’s WW.

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