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Project Description Our Goal: Methodology: Conclusions

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1 Project Description Our Goal: Methodology: Conclusions
How Many Subject Headings Does It Take to Describe an Archival Collection? Leslie Czechowski, Collections Librarian (former archivist) Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh Elizabeth J. Cox, Special Formats Cataloger, Southern Illinois University Library Results (1): Only 62% of the libraries had access points in both the finding aid (f.a.) and MARC record Results (2): 38% libraries had more access points in finding aid 33% had more access points in MARC record 29% had same number in MARC record and finding aid Results (3): Catalogers are not adhering to the LC guidelines of a maximum of six subject headings per MARC record for archival materials Project Description Our Goal: To learn what is current practice regarding numbers of subject headings in MARC records based on archival finding aids – i.e. are catalogers assigning the same number of headings as are archivists? Methodology: Examined a sampling of archival finding aids and MARC records from the 123 ARL institutions between December 2005 and July 2006 Reviewed literature to learn if there are guidelines about numbers of subject headings in MARC records for archival finding aids Compared number of subject headings in finding aids and MARC records 27 ARL libraries have no finding aids online as of July 2006 37 ARL libraries have online finding aids with no access points 49% of libraries with online finding aids are using EAD Additional Results Conclusions There is no constant practice regarding numbers of subject headings in the MARC record and finding aid There is no recommended number of subject headings to use, but numerous institutions are using more than 6-10 The archival descriptive environment is in a notable state of flux From: Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings – 3. Number of headings. The number of headings that are required varies with the work being cataloged. Sometimes one heading is sufficient. Generally a maximum of six is appropriate. In special situations more headings may be required. LC practice: Do not assign more than ten headings to a work. Sources: Describing Archives: A Content Standard. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2004. Fox, Michael J. “Descriptive Cataloging for Archival Materials.” In Describing Archival Materials: The use of the MARC AMC Format. Ed. by Richard P. Smiraglia. New York: Haworth Press, p Gabriel, Claire. “Subject Access to Archives and Manuscript Collections: An Historical Overview.” Journal of Archival Organization 1:4 (2002): Roe, Kathleen D. Arranging & Describing Archives & Manuscripts. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2005. Studwell, William E. Library of Congress Subject Headings: Philosophy, Practice, and Prospects. New York: Haworth Press, 1990.

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