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Healthcare in Canada.

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1 Healthcare in Canada

2 Canada versus US Health Care
Public Health Care - All citizens receive basic health care paid for by taxes. The Canada Health Act is a federal law that sets out the principles for health care in Canada. UNITED STATES Private Health Care - Americans pay for health care or health insurance, but it can be expensive. (over 15% of Americans do not have health insurance) In which case will health care be more like a business? But I know my parents pay for health insurance… What is the difference?

3 Health Care in Canada Universal Health Care-all citizens receive basic health care Public-funded by federal and provincial taxes Involved Legislation: Canada Health Act

4 A Little Bit About the History of Universal Health Care in Canada
Tommy Douglas The “father” of Canada’s health care system Believed that health care should be available to all and publicly funded Premier of Saskatchewan then leader of NDP Canada’s Health Care system was established By the Medical Care Act in 1966

5 Questions 1) What values about quality of life did Tommy Douglas have that influenced his views on health care? 2)In 2004, Tommy Douglas was voted the “Greatest Canadian”. Why do you think he won this title? 2)In 2007, the Republican Party in the US endorsed the idea that each individual should have to pay for his or her own health care. How does this view contrast with the view of Tommy Douglas?

6 The Canada Health Act Federal legislation
Every province and territory the health care must be: Publicly administered Comprehensive Universal Portable Accesible Public Administration: The provincial and territorial plans must be administered and operated on a non profit basis by a public authority accountable to the provincial or territorial government. Comprehensiveness: The provincial and territorial plans must insure all medically necessary services provided by hospitals, medical practitioners and dentists working within a hospital setting. Universality: The provincial and territorial plans must entitle all insured persons to health insurance coverage on uniform terms and conditions. Accessibility: The provincial and territorial plans must provide all insured persons reasonable access to medically necessary hospital and physician services without financial or other barriers. Portability: The provincial and territorial plans must cover all insured persons when they move to another province or territory within Canada and when they travel abroad. The provinces and territories have some limits on coverage for services provided outside Canada, and may require prior approval for non-emergency services delivered outside their jurisdiction.

7 Provinces are in charge of the above
In more detail, provinces decide: How health insurance plans are administered Planning and funding of care in hospitals Services provided by doctors and other health professionals Planning and implementation of health promotion and public health Negotiation of fee schedules with health professionals

8 How much does our healthcare cost?

9 How much does our healthcare cost?

10 Health Care in USA Low income citizens will receive publicly funded health care Medicaid All other citizens need to be covered by health insurance which they pay for personally or may be paid for by their employer Medicaid is funded federally under the Social Security Act Sicko Michael Moore-

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