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Using chemical energy at a single molecular level

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2 Using chemical energy at a single molecular level
Yi Qin Gao, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University Kinesin is a molecular motor that transports cargoes in cells by walking on microtubules. Master equation approach is used to study the chemomechanical coupling mechanism of kinesin. The theoretical model was used to understand: the force dependence of the stepping of wild-type kinesin, the asymmetry in kinesin walking for the truncated kinesin and for the wild kinesin in the presence of both ATP and AMPPNP. Studies were performed on the dependence of kinesin motion on ATP hydrolysis, including the efficiency of the coupling between ATP usage and the translocation of kinesin under different conditions. Calculated trajectories for the displacement of the two heads of kinesin. A model for kinesin walking. Truncated kinesin limps.

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