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Dream Team for Community Change

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1 Dream Team for Community Change
Collaborating for Equitable Housing in Kalamazoo, Michigan

2 The Innovation Grant $20,000 innovation grant from the Government Alliance for Race and Equity (GARE) Additional $10,000 from MDCR for Racial Equity training at the City of Kalamazoo Direct investment from City of Kalamazoo & KZCF

3 our goals Build and deepen relationships between government and community organizations Connect government, non-profit and community organizing processes, information, and resources Racial equity framework for local government, including engagement and plan development for Housing and Urban Development required plans – the Consolidated Plan and Analysis to Impediments to Fair Housing.

4 The partnership Michigan Department of Civil Rights
Fair Housing Center of Southwest Michigan Interfaith Strategies for Advocacy & Action in the Community (ISAAC) Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF), Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) City of Kalamazoo, Community Planning & Development

5 The process Survey on housing issues, including discrimination knowledge and experiences Review of recent community engagement data Focus groups for specific identity groups Engagement with providers, decision makers and housing advocates ACS and other available data

6 The Process

7 challenges Different expertise/experience often means different language Unique challenge of being people of color working to end inequalities while simultaneously experiencing them Community mistrust of key institutions – impact on partnership Tension between institutional rules, regulations & processes vs community needs Community partners/community eager for the outcomes of report

8 Lessons learned Be prepared for opposition & critique
We are automatic translators Use group agreements and other tools to help build trust and prioritize relationships Take time to share decision making Clarify and re-clarify shared purpose and roles Don’t underestimate time and staffing needs Reaching higher levels of transparency isn’t always easy

9 successes Partnerships like this CAN work
Relationships of trust are key when community challenges and crisis arise Creation of shared ownership in solutions vs finger pointing Collective thinking generates best ideas External work can lead to internal shifts in our organizations around racial equity Community members impacted the most came to share their powerful voices and stories for change

10 Questions

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