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2013 World Service Conference Virginia Beach, VA April 14-18, 2013.

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1 2013 World Service Conference Virginia Beach, VA April 14-18, 2013


3 Memorial Contributions Task Force Charge was to consider if we could allow gifts from family members in memorial to an AFG member Current policy does not if family member is not a member of Al-Anon Tradition 7 vs. Tradition 5 (Giving comfort…) Have family members been considered outside

4 Task Force: Service Jobs for Dual Members Not a discussion about changing current policy Create a piece that emphasizes what dual members can do in service vs. what they cannot do

5 Task Force: Service Jobs for Dual Members

6 Policy Discussion - Anonymity New text in the Anonymity section of the Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies Websites accessible to the public Functions where Al-Anon members are recorded Subject lines and addresses of e- mails Postal correspondence

7 Chosen Agenda Item: Improving the retention of newcomers and experienced Al-Anon members Most newcomers do not stay Older members have an attrition rate Al-Anon, thus is not growing

8 Chosen Agenda Item: Improving the retention of newcomers and experienced Al-Anon members Friendship Newcomers judge Ask newcomers for their phone number Lend them copies of the Forum Give newcomers How Al-Anon Works. Have people arrive meetings at least 15 minutes See WSO website, How Does Your Group Welcome Newcomers?

9 Literature S-13 Translation of Conference Approved Literature Coming this spring; a catalog of translated literature Those listed will be available and on-hand at WSO vs. the past when WSO had to get copies from the country that produced it; long delays that seemed to be the fault of WSO when it was not S-72 Conflict Resolution using our Twelve Traditions cards $4.00

10 Public Relations Three-year conversation and 16 revisions Section of our Service Manual is renamed Public Outreach. Revises current text on pp 107 -109 of the 2010- 2013 Service Manual. Does not change the 6 th World Service Conference statement of 1966, reaffirmed in 1971 Policy Committee did not consider pursuing a change to our Traditions Emphasize Members and groups carry the message It takes at least 6 contacts with a message

11 AFG, Inc projects an annual revenue shortfall that is consistently $150,000/ year Quarterly Appeal letter is the opportunity for individual members to express their gratitude. Individuals may give a maximum of 1% of general revenue to AFG; this amount currently is $46,331.04 Does my contribution to the basket at my meetings reflect the level of my gratitude to Al-Anon? Budget

12 Contribution Envelopes

13 Forum as e-literature; update 2013 Conference Summary Soft-cover version of How Al- Anon Works, misunderstood How Al-Anon Works is coming out as an e-book! ($11.99) Audio version of How Al-Anon Works this summer ($24.99) Annual Report – Executive Director

14 Legacy posters are no longer available – they dont sell Local groups may produce their own But if they sell them must be for their cost – no profit Annual Report – Executive Director

15 March, 1952 Al-Anon asked each member to contribute $1 per year Today, that same contribution would be $17.00 twice per year Finance Committee

16 Individual appeal; not an appeal to the groups 2013 Letter explains how funds are used for: Fellowship communication Public Outreach Group Services Membership Outreach Supports the structures of the district, area, and WSC Quarterly Appeal Letter

17 There is no romance in paying the rent, but it is a vital and important function… Lois Wilson

18 Who sent me to the World Service Conference as your trusted servant? You did…

19 Meet the Board Project July, 2014 Board Meeting Opportunity for members to interact with the Board Areas apply by September 15, 2013 Three-year Trial

20 Literature Committee Encourage use of other CAL literature besides daily readers Parents of alcoholics timely reprint – 37,327 copies sold

21 Literature Committee Reach for Personal Freedom: Living the Legacies B-92 176 pages $15.00 Released at the 2013 International Convention

22 Literature Committee Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships (working title) update 775 sharings received; only 76 from men Need more sharings from everyone; encourage men to share

23 Public Service Announcement 15, 30, & 60 seconds in English 30 & 60 seconds in French and Spanish Features parent (Jack) of alcoholic child and wife (Rose) of an alcoholic Increase from 3,300 to 5,000 television stations and 6,000 gatekeepers to over 10,000 radio stations

24 Task Force: Toolkit on Service and Personal Growth How service contributes to personal growth Apply to both new and experienced to service Will include full bibliography of service references

25 Task Force: Toolkit on Service and Personal Growth Board of Trustees will review & pass along to WSO staff for development We need to break the idea that recovery is separate from service and promote that without service there can be no recovery. Ric B.

26 Communications Survey on Readiness for Step 12 Service Members will be asked to survey their service May 13 – July 21, 2013 Encourage member participation (see Surveys for Members on Members-only website)

27 Public Outreach 137,000 copies of Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism received/filled Professionals having been thanking Al-Anon and asking for more copies for their waiting areas

28 24 Hour Meeting Information WSO in final stages of testing Caller provides zip code and preference for weekday, weekend, or day/evening meeting Could be available very soon

29 New & Improved e-Communities More customizable Easier to use Coming soon

30 New & Improved Members-only Website! New Look Rotating topics Each Category – Own Webpage Service Manual on each Go live, July 1, 2013 Same log-on as current Members-only site

31 Staff Updates Encourage groups to get Current Mailing Address (CMA) e-mail registered with WSO Of 14,667 registered groups only 7,791 (53%) have valid e-mail addresses for their group

32 Staff Updates WSO is considering other options to allow delegates to visit Stepping Stones Expense of having World Service Conferences in Connecticut

33 Staff Updates Equalized Expense of Delegates to WSC: 16 Areas paid $1,280 Equalized Expense 38 Areas paid $1,968 full amount per delegate to attend WSC 7 Areas paid somewhere between the equalized expense amount and the full amount 6 Areas paid more than the full expense

34 2014 World Service Conference Friday, April 25 – Tuesday, April 29, 2014 Wyndham Virginia Beach Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA

35 2018 International Al- Anon/Alateen Convention Site Baltimore, Maryland

36 July 5-7, 2013 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

37 This building, our literature, our legacies, and our service – all of it is worthless if we dont pass it on to the next newcomer who needs our help. Ric B., Executive Director, World Service Office 60 th Anniversary Open House, April 16, 2011

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