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Jamestown: Birthplace of America

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown: Birthplace of America"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown: Birthplace of America
An internet discovery unit

2 A lesson in using this virtual field trip:
The design of this virtual field trip is to enable you to discover the exciting and important history of the Jamestown settlement! Each individual page will contain links to outside websites to help you gain a better understanding, each link will visible to you because it will be underlined! If there is a button like this you need to click on it to go forward. If there is a button like this it means that you can go back to the previous page. If you see a button like this it means that if you click on the question mark, you can go to another page that has a series of questions to help you in your research.

3 Required student journey:
Effects of Jamestown Settlement Life in Jamestown Journey to Jamestown Once you have completed this section, move on the individual discovery portion by clicking HERE!!

4 Journey to Jamestown: The journey to Jamestown was rife with challenge. Click on the following link to see how you would fare if you were the leader of this journey! Click on the “START YOUR ADVENTURE!” Report your findings on the worksheet titled: BE THE LEADER!! Check out the ships that sailed to Jamestown Take a look at the manifest for the trip Read the following primary source document about the trip (read pages 32 – 33)

5 Life in Jamestown: Fort Life

6 Impact of the Jamestown Settlement

7 Areas of individual study!
Key People Geography Culture Government

8 Key People: John Smith Powhatan Pocahontas John Rolfe King George I
Leader of the Powhatan Indians Real name was: Powhatan Pocahontas John Rolfe King George I

9 Geographic impact: Geography

10 Jamestown culture:

11 Jamestown government:

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