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FAFSA Day 2018-2019 Wrap-Up OSFA.

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Presentation on theme: "FAFSA Day 2018-2019 Wrap-Up OSFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAFSA Day Wrap-Up OSFA

2 FAFSA Day Kick Off Meeting
September 2018

3 Events Schedule (31 Events)
FAFSA Day Events Schedule (31 Events) October Sites: 1 November Sites: 21 December Sites: 2 January Sites: 4 February Sites: 3

4 Sponsors/Partners We’d like to extend our gratitude for the generosity of our supporters.

5 FAFSA Day Hotline & Emails
Hotline Phone Calls & s: All s answered by FAFSA Day Chairs and 125+ calls answered by staff at Bright Horizons College Coach. Received questions regarding registration, event details, FSA ID, and general questions related to the FAFSA and Financial Aid.

6 Facebook Twitter 2,024 page likes 1,274 followers
Used Facebook ad campaigns to promote FAFSA Day events. Posted on Facebook and Twitter to foster awareness of FAFSA Day events and shared related informational financial aid and FAFSA related resources.

7 Second Year! FAFSA Challenge! Three $750 scholarships:
Two for highest percentage of completion: Small School Large School One for most improved percentage Category: Highest Percentage of FAFSA Completion Academy of the Pacific Rim Charter School (small) O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science (large) Category: Most Improved Percentage Boston Arts Academy

8 Final Numbers 31 events October through February
No cancellations due to weather! 1,056 attendees 234 volunteers Largest sites: Attleboro High School: 139 attendees, 14 volunteers Salem Academy Charter School: 121 attendees, 28 volunteers

9 Survey Responders 100% rated the assistance received as excellent, very good, or good 85% rated the assistance received as excellent 94% accomplished what they came for during the event 100% stated there were enough volunteers to assist attendees 87% completed their FAFSA, while 13% began and saved it or decided to complete it later 81% indicated that their attendance at FAFSA Day MA will increase the likelihood that they will enroll in college or vocational school within the next year 91% of attendees were in high school and others were in vocational/technical schools or current college students seeking help with their renewal FAFSAs 7% of attendees received help from a translator (Spanish) Most common reasons for not submitting a FAFSA at the event: Not enough time or did not bring all the required information

10 Survey Responders Comments:
All my needs were tended too… I'm very pleased with the outcome. The staff helped explain the process thoroughly. I was satisfied and completed my application. This was perfect! Would also like a CSS Day!

11 Earlier FAFSA Dates Similar to the year prior, to accommodate for the earlier FAFSA availability, more sites opted to host their FAFSA Day events in November, or an alternative date of their choice that best fit their community’s needs.

12 FAFSA Completions According to National College Access Network (NCAN)’s FormYourFuture FAFSA Tracker: As of May 24, 2019: Over 2 million FAFSAs were completed nationally for the cycle Massachusetts ranked #4 in the nation for percentage of seniors completing the FAFSA Link:

13 FAFSA Day Committee Chairs
Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun of MEFA Jan Combs of Bright Horizons College Coach Amy Staffier of Simmons University Financial Aid Office

14 Looking forward to FAFSA Day 2019-2020!
THANK YOU! We would like to extend a whole-hearted THANK YOU to our Sponsors, Steering Committee Members, Site Coordinators, and Volunteers. We appreciate the time, resources, creativity, enthusiasm, and positive attitudes that you dedicated to these FAFSA Day events. You are ALL champions! Looking forward to FAFSA Day ! FAFSA Day Date: Sunday, November 3, 2019

15 Thank You Volunteers!

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