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Synaptoneurosome enrichment from mouse cortices.

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1 Synaptoneurosome enrichment from mouse cortices.
Synaptoneurosome enrichment from mouse cortices. (A) The purity of the preparation was confirmed by immunoblotting to detect PSD95, which could only be detected in the total (TOT) and synaptoneurosomal (SNS) fractions. No signal was observed in the cytosolic (CYT) fraction, as expected, whereas the presence of actin was equivalent in all fractions considered. (B) Quantification of the amounts of PSD95 normalized to actin for each genotype. n = 6 mice/group (10–12 mo “adult” cohort); one-way ANOVA and post hoc Dunn’s multiple comparison test. Eloise Hudry et al. LSA 2019;2:e © 2019 Hudry et al.

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