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Privacy, Security, and Ethics

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Presentation on theme: "Privacy, Security, and Ethics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Privacy, Security, and Ethics
Soren Caudill & Allie Clark

2 What is Privacy, Security, and Ethics?
General Idea: Protects computer systems from theft or damage Protects software or electronic data Teaches you the appropriate way to act online

3 Computer Privacy Privacy and security level of personal data
Protects sensitive and private data Credit card numbers SSID Passwords Concerns the collection and use of data about individuals Three main privacy issues: Accuracy Property Access

4 How to Protect your Computer Privacy
Use preventative software applications Anti-virus (prevents virus) Anti-malware (prevents malware) Firewalls (blocks unauthorized access) Avoid using unreliable websites Use very strong passwords including: Numerals Letters Special characters Never repeat the same password

5 Computer Security Protects your personal data Hardware Software
Protects computer from unofficial use Prevents damage Hacking Sabotage

6 Computer Security Awareness Part 1
Trojan Horses- program that appear harmless but contain malicious programs that could possibly carry viruses Zombies- infected computers used for hostile reasons Scams- tricks computer users into spending money and time on unrealistic deals/programs Identity theft- using someone else's personal information/identity as your own Worms- programs that replicate themselves over and over

7 Computer Security Awareness Part 2
Ransomware- a software that threatens to publish the victims data unless a ransom is paid Cookies- store and track information Cyber heist- when a large amount of information is stolen in a short period of time Phishing- sending s as companies to get personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers Crackers- someone who creates malicious software

8 Computer Ethics Moral conduct
Element that controls how computers are utilized today How to respectively act on your computer Guidelines for the appropriate use of computer Plagiarism Do not use other peoples work without proper permission Quote their work

9 Being Ethical on Computers
How to be ethical on the computer: Not plagiarizing Keeping information private (yours and other computer users) Respect the privacy of others

10 Questions?

11 Cites 9/deck/ accessibility/

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