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(A) Increasing proportion of Ki67-positive GCs with increasing oocyte diameter on days 12 (blue) and 21 (red). (A) Increasing proportion of Ki67-positive.

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Presentation on theme: "(A) Increasing proportion of Ki67-positive GCs with increasing oocyte diameter on days 12 (blue) and 21 (red). (A) Increasing proportion of Ki67-positive."— Presentation transcript:

1 (A) Increasing proportion of Ki67-positive GCs with increasing oocyte diameter on days 12 (blue) and 21 (red). (A) Increasing proportion of Ki67-positive GCs with increasing oocyte diameter on days 12 (blue) and 21 (red). Dotted lines are for all GCs, continuous lines are for just cuboidal GCs. Values are presented as the mean ± 95% confidence interval. (B) Relationship between oocyte diameter and the number of GCs on day 21. Lines are linear regression fits of unilaminar (blue line) and multilayered (green line) follicles. For day 12 see supplementary material Fig. 1B. (C) Percentage of Ki67-positive GCs on the basal lamina (BL) and inner layers (inner) on days 12 and 21. (D) Day 21 follicle at the secondary-plus stage with sparse Ki67 labelling on the basal lamina (white arrowheads), and more on the inner layers (black arrowheads). Patricia Da Silva-Buttkus et al. J Cell Sci 2008;121: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2008

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