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Actors and management Biotour Work Package 4 Start-up meeting

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1 Actors and management Biotour Work Package 4 Start-up meeting
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) September 15, 2016 Magnar Forbord Centre for Rural Research (CRR), Trondheim NB! Inkluderer aktører innen marked, stat og sivilt samfunn Management både i betydningen ledelse og i betydningen forvaltning!

2 Researchers NMBU, landscape architecture and spatial planning
Knut Bjørn Stokke, associate professor Morten Clemetsen, associate professor Centre for Rural Research Rita Moseng Sivertsvik, research assistant Rebekka Louise Armstrong Fretheim, master student Magnar Forbord, researcher and WP-leader

3 Purpose as the point of departure
What to study (theme, cases), where (areas), with whom (partners, informants), and how (method, theory) is important, but: we should not forget why we are doing this (purpose and research questions)!

4 Purpose of the (integrated) project
Contribute to business innovation and community development, based on: Sustainable, touristic use of natural resources (NBT), aimed at: Innovative product configurations, ICT and entrepreneurship -> Publication and dissemination Actors and management are some of the key conditions -> WP4

5 WP4: Research questions
1. Governance How is the actor constellation (“aktørbildet”) in NBT? How is NBT integrated in public planning, and why? What characterizes public – private interaction? 2. Innovation Product configurations, IC technology, entrepreneurship, cooperation across case themes? 3. Outcomes Income and profits? Connection to goals and motives? Community development? Må gjøre en nærmere vurdering av omfanget av undersøkelser på de ulike underpunktene, i de ulike studieområdene og hvem av forskerne som skal gjøre hva.

6 Theory Network governance (Kickert et al. 1997). Collaborative planning (Healey 1997). Tourism innovation strategies and technology (Stamboulis and Skayannis, 2003). Networks, clusters and innovation in tourism (Cawley et al 2007; Novelli et al., 2006). Tourism firms, motivation and performance (Lundberg et al, 2014; Park et al, 2014; Reichel and Haber, 2005).

7 Method and empirical data
Comparative case studies (Ragin 1987; Yin, 2003) Three case areas. Four themes (adventure, wildlife, path, event) Contextual information Documents, focus groups, identify actors, delimit cases Actors and management Interviews, public information (accountancies, growth), web pages 6-12 informants per study area? Types of actors: Landowners, experience and activity providers, local food producers, transportation firms, firms in the hospitality sector (hotels and restaurants), tourist organizations, destination companies and public and semi-public agencies (e.g. municipal planners and politicians)

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