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Devon & Cornwall Police Authority Performance Summary

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1 Devon & Cornwall Police Authority Performance Summary
September 2012

2 2012/13 Force Performance Targets

3 Total Crime 3 Months to July 2012:
Target: To be in the top 10 safest places in the country for overall crime 3 Months to July 2012: Force with the 10th Lowest Crime Rate: Crimes/1,000 Population Devon & Cornwall Police: Crimes/1,000 Population (11th) Force with the Lowest Crime Rate: Crimes/1,000 Population Update the total crime Excel file found in \\Hqap1\group$\DATA SERVICES\group\Data Services\Data Services Documents\Presentations\Workings\Police Authority Workings 1st April 2012 – 16th September 2012: Force: CIOS : Plymouth : Devon : -2.3% -4.6% -10.1% +2.9%

4 Target: To ensure there is no increase in violence with injury
Slide is from ‘Violence with Injury Force’ Sheet on FPG Violence with Injury Report.

5 Target: For at least 66% of people to agree when asked that the police in their local area are doing a good or excellent job

6 Target: For at least 36% of people to answer “once a fortnight” when asked “How often do you see the police on foot patrol in your local area?”

7 Target: To deliver a positive outcome in at least 40% of offences
Slide is from ‘Total Crime’ Sheet on FPG Positive Outcomes Report.

8 Force Level: Burglary: Violence: Vehicle : 88.4% 81.9% 85.3%
Target: To exceed an 88% level of victims who are satisfied with the overall service provided by the police Force Level: Burglary: Violence: Vehicle : 88.4% 81.9% 85.3%

9 Burglary: Racist Incidents: Vehicle: Violent:
Target: To exceed an 88% level of BME victims who are satisfied with the overall service provided by the police Burglary: Racist Incidents: Vehicle: Violent: 83.3% (10/12 Respondents) 87.5% (105/120 Respondents) 75.0% (6/8 Respondents) 68.4% (13/19 Respondents)

10 Target: To exceed an 80% level of victims of ASB incidents who are satisfied with the overall service provided by the police

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