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Sergey Gorbunov Ivan Kisel DESY, Zeuthen KIP, Uni-Heidelberg

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1 Sergey Gorbunov Ivan Kisel DESY, Zeuthen KIP, Uni-Heidelberg
An analytic formula for track extrapolation in an inhomogeneous magnetic field Sergey Gorbunov Ivan Kisel DESY, Zeuthen KIP, Uni-Heidelberg KIP ACAT 2005, DESY, Zeuthen May 22-27, 2005

2 Extrapolation in Magnetic Field
Differential equation of charged particle motion in a magnetic field Along Z direction : ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

3 Analytic Expression Coefficients: Equation of motion:
Extrapolation error: ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

4 Analytic Expression Features
B(z) B( (z0+z)/2 ) Real track (theoretically) Track guess (practically) B(z0) z0 (z0+z)/2 z Features : Field is taken as a function of z coordinate. ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

5 Analytic Expression Features
The precision of extrapolation does not depend on a shape of the magnetic field. One can cut off the higher-order terms in the series. ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

6 Example: Third order extrapolation in a homogeneous By field
Analytic 3 Example: Third order extrapolation in a homogeneous By field Small parameter: ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

7 Coefficients in the Analytic Formula (CBM)
Analytic Light Analytic 1 cx = 1.13e-04 cy = 5.64e-04 cz = 3.09e-04 cxx = 3.72e-07 cxy = 2.57e-06 cxz = 1.25e-06 cyx = 3.95e-06 cyy = 2.39e-04 cyz = 3.04e-05 czx = 5.21e-07 czy = 4.64e-06 czz = 3.74e-06 cxxx = 5.15e-09 cxxy = 2.47e-08 cxxz = 8.73e-09 cxyx = 3.36e-08 cxyy = 3.83e-07 cxyz = 6.57e-08 cxzx = 5.28e-09 cxzy = 3.20e-08 cxzz = 1.78e-08 cyxx = 4.81e-08 cyxy = 5.46e-07 Cyxz = 9.34e-08 cyyx = 7.67e-07 cyyy = 5.85e-05 Cyyz = 3.75e-06 cyzx = 1.30e-07 cyzy = 1.35e-06 Cyzz = 4.03e-07 czxx = 8.33e-09 czxy = 3.35e-08 Czxz = 1.47e-08 czyx = 4.76e-08 czyy = 8.63e-07 Czyz = 1.33e-07 czzx = 1.59e-08 czzy = 9.91e-08 Czzz = 5.49e-08 Analytic 2 Analytic 3 ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

8 Performance of Extrapolation (CBM)
Method Residuals Pulls p/p x y tx ty q/p Runge-Kutta 4 0.64 27 24 1.5 1.17 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.00 Analytic 3 1.18 Analytic 2 0.68 1.30 1.08 1.03 Analytic 1 0.94 30 25 1.90 1.37 1.10 Analytic Light 1.19 Analytic Central 2.49 38 1.7 3.77 2.23 1.33 ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

9 Implementation in CBM CA Track Finder
ALL MC TRACKS RECONSTRUCTABLE TRACKS Number of hits >= 4 REFERENCE TRACKS Momentum > 1 GeV Track category Efficiency, % Reference set 99.45 All set 96.98 Extra set 89.46 Clone 0.01 Ghost 0.61 ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

10 Conclusion An analytic formula of extrapolation in magnetic field has been derived Precision of extrapolation does not depend on a shape of the field. The implementation in the CBM track fitting procedure has the same accuracy as the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. ACAT05 DESY, Zeuthen S. Gorbunov, I. Kisel

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