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1 Group 1 MALAYSIA

2 Malaysia Transition from 10th to 11th Malaysian Plan
Poverty index (10th Malaysian Plan) Poverty index + Urban Poor (11th Malaysian Plan and Holistic approach to development) To address this, we have to look at evaluations (public sector + Private and Civil Society sector)

3 Malaysia EFGR is still not really on the ground yet (However it is included in the 11th Malaysian Plan, cascaded down at the gross roots levels in the development plans) Planning on paper is fine, gender and equity focused related activities are well planned, even included at the district level planning; there are challenges with data collection and utilization; Lacking M&E in non-physical projects Program Evaluations are headed by the treasury Moving one step further towards outcomes in evaluations First steps for formalizing evaluation is in place Two entities (implementation and coordination, and prime ministers office) Working closely with International Institutions to assist the government in knowledge sharing Capacity building is most important agenda in Malaysia, specially for Evaluations…

4 Malaysia Vertical and horizontal alignments is the main issue
UNICEF (working with various partners, Substantive work has already be done related to embedding SDGs into the 11th Malaysian Plan – including EFGR; Championing one ministry to take the lead on SDGs; EFGR (key question, data is gender, GBV is not systematically collected); Poor cross sectoral linkages Way forward (MICS, data on disability, GBV, etc)

5 Malaysia Way Forward Finalization of MyFEPS, contextualise and rollout (MOF) Identify champion/s (preferably with MOF – Outcome level) – EFGR, focus on capacity building, and seek replication to other ministries Form multi-sectoral partnerships – engage Institute of Higher Learning, VOPE, research institutes, other partners such as UN agencies, WB, ADB

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