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Race Management Advisory Service (RMAS)

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Presentation on theme: "Race Management Advisory Service (RMAS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Race Management Advisory Service (RMAS)
Session One

2 What is It? Five ROs (NRO or IRO) Wide ranging experience
Some are Judges (NJ or IJ) Assess NoR and SI drafts Advise on race management issues Companion to the RRAS Group known as RMAT

3 How Does it Work? Enquirer contacts Race Officials Team
Preferably Enquiry sent to Chairman of team Circulated around team for feedback Chairman produces draft for comment by team Final response sent to Enquirer, RYA Race Officials Team, RMC Chair and RRAT Chair

4 How Many Enquiries Received?
In 2017 – 11 Enquiries 6 NoR/SI assessment, 1 transferred to RRAT 4 Others (VHF radios, Average Lap racing, Finishing H’Cap racing) In 2018 – 15 Enquiries 9 NoR/SI assessment, 1 transferred to RRAT 5 Others (Use of PFD’s (2), Tracking and Betting, Separate Start & Finish Lines, Changing laps after General Recall)

5 Who is Involved Chair is Peter Baldwin (NRO) Team Members
Mike Butterfield (IRO, IJ, IU) David Campbell-James (IRO) Ian Bullock (IRO) Graham Louth (IJ, NRO)

6 Use of Tracking Devices and Betting on Race Outcomes (1)
Is it OK to use trackers to run sweep stakes and bets to raise cash for the association? Is this acceptable in the Rules? Should this be an item in the NOR/SI’s?

7 Use of Tracking Devices and Betting on Race Outcomes (2)
Ensure that the correct wording used in NoR and SI Add - boats may be required to carry cameras, sound or positioning equipment Class and OA should review World Sailing regulations on Betting (Appendix 5) Class & OA advised to contact WS Class Association should take legal advice on compliance with Gambling Act 2005

8 Starting Lines for Multiple Starts (1)
A race course has a start line and a separate lapping gate. The lapping gate is also the finish line. Is it a rule or just tradition that the Committee Boat should always be at the starboard end of the start line?

9 Starting Lines for Multiple Starts (2)
Not a rule. If short lap times or general recalls are expected, best to have separate start and lapping/finish gate Pre-start, sailors congregate at starboard end of start line Start on the starboard side will keep waiting boats away from the lapping/finish gate, especially with short lap times

10 Signalling Mark Changes (1)
RRS 33 - the RC may change the course by signalling a new course before boats begin that leg. The next mark need not be in position at that time Does this mean that the mark should be in the new position before a boat starts the new leg or not?

11 Signalling Mark Changes (2)
Mark does not need to be in position when change signalled or as first boat starts the new leg Marks do not normally need to be in position at a specific time Except start marks by preparatory signal Mark 1 during the last minute for U and Black start Marks for long distance Races? Mark should be in position well before lead boat makes tactical decision on course to mark


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