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Federalists and Anti Federalists

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1 Exam Prep Section 1 Part 5: Federalists and Anti-Federalists Rule of Law and Sources of Law

2 Federalists and Anti Federalists
There were different views of how the country should be set up and organized. The Federalists believed in a strong central government to make sure the country was defended and unified. The Anti-Federalists did not want a strong federal government because they worried it would take away the freedoms of the people. Madison and Hamilton were some of the most famous federalists. The Articles of Confederation did not work well enough. There were too many problems. So new changes needed to be made to make sure rights were protected and the government actually functioned.

3 Rule of Law Rule of law means that all people are equal under and before the law. No man is above the law. This creates order and fairness in society. This also ensures that government does what it is supposed to and does not abuse its power!! The Rule of law includes the Bill of Rights and all the rights people have so that they are free and so that the government does not abuse its power.

4 Role of Court System The court system make sure all people, no matter what their role is, are treated equally. This makes sure that people who have money are not above the law. Serving on juries is an obligation because it is important that ordinary people decide that their peers have consequences and that powerful people don’t place consequences on them because they are not liked or because they are poor.

5 Different Types of Laws throughout history that influenced American law
Code of Hammurabi- It was an ancient system of laws in the country of Babylon. There were 282 laws that citizens were expected to follow. It was the first time laws were written down. Every law was given a punishment. Some were specific to the action committed and even to the status of the people who committed them. Magna Carta- first time a King would be subject to laws in order to get the loyalty of his own people. It established the idea that government was responsible to the people and not the other way around. English Bill of Rights- Many of the rights Americans wanted were rights in the English Bill of Rights, such as the right to be able to defend oneself in court if accused of a crime. US Constitutional Law. This is the highest law in the United States and applies to all of the states and federal government.

6 Different Types of Laws throughout history that influenced American law Continued
Case law. This is law that results from certain cases that go before the courts, and the courts are asked to rule on them. Courts will use these laws to instruct governments what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do. Example Brown vs. Board of Education. States cannot segregate students on the basis of race because it is discriminatory and violates the 14th Amendment. Common Laws: These are rules that courts use to tell government what it is not able to do based on past cases that have already been ruled on and that deal with an important principle within the US Constitution. Civil law. This is when courts rule on family matters or rule on actions taken by individuals upon other individuals. Example: Defamation of character or not paying your rent or copyright laws. Criminal laws- These deal with laws that people break that harm or kill other people. Military Law- These deal with actions of people within the military that break laws but that deal specifically with the functioning of the military.

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