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Why Orang-utans are endangered.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Orang-utans are endangered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Orang-utans are endangered.
By Solomon Meshoulam. The orang-utan is an endangered species that are being killed and their habitats destroyed.

2 Where do orang-utans live.
The places that they live are marked with an O.

3 Population There are only an estimated 30,000 Orang-utans left in the wild.

4 What is happening to their habitat?
The trees that orang-utans are getting fruit from are being cut down to make space for small buildings and the trees that they live in are also being cut down.

5 Why are orang-utans endangered? s
3.People are destroying our habitat! 1. Because people want to kill us and EAT us! 2. Fruit Farmers see us as pests as we LOVE eating fruit.

6 Thank you for watching my PowerPoint!
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