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Biotechnology Big Q: How do people increase genetic variation?

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Presentation on theme: "Biotechnology Big Q: How do people increase genetic variation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotechnology Big Q: How do people increase genetic variation?
Big Q: How do scientists copy the DNA of living organisms? Big Q: How is recombinant DNA used? Big Q: How can genes from one organism be inserted into another organism?

2 Engage-Untamed Science
Do you think it would be safe to be able to completely design a human genome? What are the consequences of this?

3 Explore - Breeds Identify some breeds in the picture.
How do you think these breeds are maintained?

4 Explain - Selective Breeding
Selective Breeding - allowing only animals with wanted characteristics to produce the next generation Two other forms of this are: 1. Hybridization - crossing dissimilar traits to make the best of both 2. Inbreeding - breeding with similar characteristics

5 Elaborate - Biotechnology
Biotechnology - the application of a technological process, invention, or method used on living organisms What is the relationship between genetic variations and mutations? Can breeders introduce mutations?

6 Explain - Isolating Genes
Green Florescent Protein (GFP) - found by Douglas Prasher in 1987, isolated this gene using restriction enzyme Once found, they can remove the gene using restriction enzymes and place it into other organisms This is called recombinant DNA

7 Explain - Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCR - makes many copies of DNA or proteins

8 Explain - Recombinant DNA
Recombinant DNA - inserting a gene from one organism into the DNA of another organism How is this done in bacteria: 1. Plasmids - small circular DNA molecule 2. Cut plasmid, insert human DNA into plasmid 3. Plasmid will make new cells with DNA information

9 Explain - Transgenic Organisms
Transgenic - insertion of recombinant DNA into a host creates a new genome Cloning - genetically identical cells produced from a single cell can happen in plants and animals

10 Explain - Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetically Modified - contains DNA to produce favorable characteristics GMO Plants - rice that contains vitamin D GMO Animals - antibacterial goat milk

11 Explore - What are the Advantages and Disadvantages
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages to GMOs. Pros vs Cons

12 Elaborate - GMO Data Analyze the data on your quick lab sheet

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