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How to Handle Bullying By: Elizabeth smogor.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Handle Bullying By: Elizabeth smogor."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Handle Bullying By: Elizabeth smogor

2 What is Bullying? Unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.

3 Types of Bullying Verbal Bullying Social Bullying Physical Bullying
Saying or writing mean things Social Bullying Involves hurting someone's reputation or relationships Physical Bullying Involves hurting a persons body or possession

4 Why Kids Bully Home Environment Social Problems Peer Pressure Jealousy
Social Media

5 Signs to Look For Turning in homework late or half done
Not being social in the classroom Making fun of students in the class

6 How to Handle Bullying as a Teacher
Make sure every student in the class knows bullying is a serious offence and will not be taken lightly If you see or hear of a student bullying confront the student right away Talk to the parents immediately

7 Sources

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