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The Limits of the Law Acts 15

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1 The Limits of the Law Acts 15
Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular

2 There’s no such thing as a free lunch

3 Review The church grew rapidly among Jews (ch 1-6) among Samaritans (ch 8) among Gentiles (ch 10) all of whom lived moral lives Until 1st missionary journey (ch 13-14) Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

4 The Question Does a person have to obey the Law to be saved? Do you have to obey God to earn, keep, or prove salvation? Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

5 Grace Needs No Law v8-9: God makes no distinction b/w law-followers & law-breakers v10: Because NONE OF US are law-followers v11: So salvation must be by grace alone Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

6 Grace Needs No Law Ephesians 2:8–9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

7 Grace Needs No Law v8-9: God makes no distinction b/w law-followers & law-breakers v10: Because NONE OF US are law-followers v11: So salvation must be by grace alone v19: So stop adding the Law back in Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

8 The Second Question Does obedience make us better than other people?
Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

9 Love is Better than Law Legalism Love & Grace quick to judge
quick to show mercy quick to anger quick to forgive prideful humble keep “them” out bring “them” in Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

10 Resources @GraceBibleBlake Blake Jennings
Grace Bible Church App


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