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Sixth Framework Programme

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1 Sixth Framework Programme
Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT Centre of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes with Environmental Impact MISSION

2 Adsorption &Catalysis
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Materials Science Analytical Chemistry Adsorption &Catalysis

3 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Staff – 141 persons (70 persons scientific staff: 10 professors, 25 associate professors budget of ca Euro Euro from other sources 2600 research papers

4 IGIC – main facilities ESCALAB II (VG Scientific) electron spectrometer Mössbauer spectrometer Powder X-ray diffractometer UV-VIS spectrometers FTIR spectrometers X-ray fluorescence spectrometer Atomic Emission Spectrometry equipment including ICP-AES, SS-DC, Arc, Sparc – AES Atomic absorption spectrometers - flame and graphite furnace ESR spectrometer Thermal analysis (DTA, TGA and DTG) Mass-spectrometers

5 M I S S I O N SSA for Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey AIM: to reinforce
the research capacities

6 M I S S I O N MISSION main objective: Specific mission of MISSION :
To establish a leading research, consulting and training centre of development and management of multifunctional materials and new processes with environmental impact. Specific mission of MISSION : Cultivation of a new generation of young specialists who will then transfer the obtained knowledge to their new working places.

7 M I S S I O N Specific objectives:
Reorganization of IGIC and Focusing its Activities on the Environmental Aspects of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes Enhancement of the Research Capabilities of IGIC in the Fields Covered by MISSION Expanding the Contacts and Personal Exchange between IGIC and Leading Research Centres in Europe Promotion of the Careers of Young Scientists and Maintaining a High Education Level of the Graduates at IGIC Dissemination of Knowledge to the Scientific Community, to the Industry and to the Society

8 M I S S I O N Potential impact
Integration and Strengthening of European Research Area RTD development of Bulgaria Social impact – promoting the careers of young people Improvement of the quality of life through decreasing the pollution

9 M I S S I O N Deliverables Reports Databases PhD theses
Scientific communications and review papers Proceedings of workshops Bilateral projects New FP6 (FP7) projects Project presentation Multimedia lectures Diplomas for courses graduation MISSION INTERNET portal

10 No Workpackage title WP01 Project Management WP02 Materials for Clean Energy Storage WP03 Sorbents and Catalysts for Environmental Protection WP04 Sustainable Utilization and Management of Natural Chemical Resources WP05 Chemical and Physical Characterization of Multifunctional materials. Metrological control and Standardization WP06 Strengthening of the International Co-operation WP07 Strengthening of Young Scientists Qualification WP08 Public and Industry Relations. Dissemination of Knowledge WP09 Closing Conference on “Multifunctional Materials and Processes with Environmental Impact”

11 MAIN EXPENCES Personel costs …………………………………….220 000 EURO
(invited scientists, PhD students, young people) Travel and subsistence ……………………… EURO (long- and short term visits, conferences) Equipment ……………….……………………… EURO (Powder X-ray diffractrometer) Scientific meetings and training ……… EURO (workshops, conference, training cources) Management ……………………………………… EURO

12 What do we expect from the advisory board
Suggestions for improving the proposed work plan Suggesting of new contacts with European institutions Suggesting of new contacts with leading European scientists Help in the preparation of new projects Discussion of the leaflet Discussion of the Internet portal content

13 M I S S I O N P o s s i b l e !

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