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Building TAICEP. Reflections from a European perspective. Jenneke Lokhoff TAICEP Inaugural Symposium Boston, 21 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Building TAICEP. Reflections from a European perspective. Jenneke Lokhoff TAICEP Inaugural Symposium Boston, 21 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building TAICEP. Reflections from a European perspective. Jenneke Lokhoff TAICEP Inaugural Symposium Boston, 21 October 2013

2 3 Questions Reflect from European perspective on: 1.The landscape of international credential evaluation 2.The need to build an international professional organization (TAICEP) and the importance of our work 3.Issues and considerations to consider for determining the structure and activities of TAICEP.

3 1. The European Recognition Landscape. A European Recognition Area

4 Characteristics European region 1.International legislation LRC Convention 1997 55 signatory countries Model for other regional conventions (Asia/Africa) 1.Political framework Bologna process / European Higher Education Area 1.Operational structure ENIC / NARIC Networks as national information centres

5 Overview ENIC/NARIC networks

6 Lisbon Recognition Convention Principles for fair recognition A ? Recognition instruments Recommendations z Journal article x Results project y Study 2 Project w WG y Working GroupY Recommendations z C ? B ? D ? E ? WG3 Practical implementation? Subsidiary texts WG α project ¥

7 Streamlining recognition practices: A European Area of Recognition manual (1) Practical implementation of LRC based on existing good practice ENIC-NARIC networks (+ Council of Europe, UNESCO and European Commission) Interest from other Convention regions (Asia Pacific, Africa) Use of manual recommended by the 47 Bologna countries in the Bucharest Communiqué 2012.

8 Streamlining recognition practices: A European Area of Recognition manual (2) Fair academic and professional recognition, including recognition of non formal and informal learning, is at the core of the EHEA….We welcome the European Area of Recognition (EAR) Manual and recommend its use as a set of guidelines for recognition of foreign qualifications and a compendium of good practices, as well as encourage higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies to assess institutional recognition procedures in internal and external quality assurance

9 The EAR offspring EAR Recognition manual 2009 – 2012 EAR 2 Training Web based EARN Self evaluation Peer review EAR HEI Recognition manual for HEIs 2012 - 2014

10 EARN Evaluation and Assessment of the Role of NARICs Goal a self-evaluation tool for ENIC-NARICs to objectively compare their practice to the common guidelines and practices agree upon and to make improvements accordingly. a peer review mechanism, including an external assessment by other NARICs based on the self-evaluation tool. Finalized January 2014

11 EAR HEI Recognition manual for institutions Based on: EAR and principles LRC; Two EHEA wide consultations. Developed by ENIC/NARICs, representatives institutions (HRK, Tuning, EUA) and students (ESU). Finalized in January 2014

12 2. Considerations for determining the structure and activities of TAICEP

13 Consideration 1: How to account for recognition context? International credential evaluator practices: Regional differences; Centre specific. Challenge for: Professional Development Activities (training/methodology)? Developing standards? What kind of standards? One or plural? Who decides? Governance structure: Representation? (Why not include -representations- of organizations as well?)

14 Consideration 2: Build further on existing efforts (while offering something new) Worldwide already lots of research, initiatives, projects to improve credential evaluation and recognition practices.

15 3. The need to build a professional organization

16 Global platform for professionals Need: Ever increasing student mobility, still recognition problems International credential evaluation is per definition international Currently no global organization to facilitate (interregional) dialogue Global platform to facilitate information sharing, dialogue and support

17 Thank you for your attention! Questions? Please contact: Ms Lucie de Bruin: Ms Jenneke Lokhoff: Ms Jessica Stannard:

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