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2.2 Viruses, Viroids, Prions

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1 2.2 Viruses, Viroids, Prions

2 Some viruses contain DNA, while others contain RNA

3 Spread of Viruses Regional outbreak – Epidemic
Global outbreak - Pandemic

4 Role of Viruses Some cause diseases with relatively mild symptoms
Chicken pox, common cold Some are much more deadly AIDS, Hanta, rabies, Ebola Some increase risk of cancer (e.g. HPV  cervical cancer) Important historically for the control of populations


6 Infection Most viruses can only infect one type of host cell, or a few closely related hosts Viruses that affect bacteria are called phages (bacteriophages) The capsid of phages don’t enter the host cell, while the capsids of animal viruses do enter the cell


8 Vaccinations Parts of a virus or a weakened form of a virus is injected into an individual Response of the body creates immunity against the virus Obstacles to vaccination Structure of virus Rapid changes and mutations in virus Too many strains

9 A quick note on childhood vaccines
There is zero supporting evidence that childhood vaccines lead to autism or any other disorders Not getting vaccinated reduces herd immunity

10 Gene Therapy Because viruses infect host cells so effectively, scientists can use them to deliver drugs or a desired section of DNA Chemotherapy Correcting a genetic disorder Genetic engineering

11 Viroids and Prions Viroids – small, infectious pieces of RNA
Plant pathogens Prions – infectious proteins E.g. mad cow disease Both are very poorly understood

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