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LEAP Online – Beyond Academic Skills

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Presentation on theme: "LEAP Online – Beyond Academic Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEAP Online – Beyond Academic Skills
Mary Barden Dawn Grundy Presentation overall Title: GillSans-Light, 24pt – Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Date, venue and presenter name: GillSans, 20pt - Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Presentation Title: GillSans, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0 Presentation Sub Title: GillSans-Light, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0

2 LEAP Aim: Provide a coherent, coordinated skills development programme. Process: Learning Development Working Group Result: Learning Development Framework - expanded content - differentiated levels Presentation overall Title: GillSans-Light, 24pt – Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Date, venue and presenter name: GillSans, 20pt - Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Presentation Title: GillSans, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0 Presentation Sub Title: GillSans-Light, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0


4 L Learning E Excellence A Achievement P Pathway.
Students: Learning Development Framework = L Learning E Excellence A Achievement P Pathway.

5 BISSTO re-developed to support the LDF Present in dynamic engaging way
LEAP Online BISSTO re-developed to support the LDF Present in dynamic engaging way Badged assessments Timeframe: September 2017 Further developments – continuous improvements. Embed GAME employability badges. Presentation overall Title: GillSans-Light, 24pt – Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Date, venue and presenter name: GillSans, 20pt - Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Presentation Title: GillSans, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0 Presentation Sub Title: GillSans-Light, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0

6 Questions? Ideas? Contributions? Contact:
Presentation overall Title: GillSans-Light, 24pt – Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Date, venue and presenter name: GillSans, 20pt - Colour: R:0 G:36 B:125 Presentation Title: GillSans, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0 Presentation Sub Title: GillSans-Light, 54pt – Colour: White, Line Spacing: 1, Before Paragraph: 0.5, After Paragraph: 0

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