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Comma Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Comma Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comma Rules

2 Rule 1: In a series We had chicken nuggets, fries, and a milkshake for dinner. All the cows, chickens, and horses are in the barn.

3 Rule 2 – With a coordinating conjunction for a compound sentence
In other words – Your FANBOYS!! My locker was jammed, so I asked Mrs. Hendrix for the key. For…and…nor…but…or…yet…so…

4 Rule 3 – After introductory words, phrases, or clauses
No, I cannot play in the football game today. With the clock ticking down, we had to pass the ball.

5 Rule 4: Nouns of direct address
John, can you come help me with my homework? I will get there, Sam, when I am finished with this project.

6 Rule 5: Appositives My teacher, Mrs. Wood, taught me a new song.
Mrs. Green, our music teacher, can play the piano really well!

7 Rule 6: Between more than two adjectives that describe one noun
My tired, worn-out CD player finally broke. Our brand new, sparkling pink convertible is pretty awesome!

8 Rule 7: Nonessential phrases and clauses
Maddie, who always greets me at the door, is the best puppy ever! The ball, which is lost, is her favorite toy.

9 Rule 8: Before direct quotations
Tommy shouted, “We won the game!” “You made an amazing shot at the buzzer,” congratulated the coach.

10 Rule 9: To separate dates and addresses
Monday, October 5, 2008 2324 Manor Drive, Plano, Texas

11 Rule 10: Salutation and closing of a letter
Dear Fred, Dear Aunt May, Yours truly, Sincerely,

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