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Blephar/o eyelid or eyelash

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Presentation on theme: "Blephar/o eyelid or eyelash"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blephar/o eyelid or eyelash

2 Brachi/o arm or foreleg

3 Bucc/o cheek

4 Canth/o end of the slit between the eyelids

5 Capit/o head

6 Carp/o wrist

7 Cephal/o head

8 Cervic/o neck

9 Cheil/o, chil/o lip

10 Cili/o eyelid, eyelash, small hairlike process

11 Cor/e, cor/o pupil

12 Dactyl/o digit, toe

13 Dent/I, dent/o tooth or teeth

14 Derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o skin

15 Dors/I, dors/o back

16 Faci/o face

17 Gingiv/o gums

18 Gloss/o tongue

19 Gnath/o jaw

20 Irid/o iris of the eye

21 Labi/o lips, esp lips of the mouth

22 Lapar/o flank, abdomen

23 Later/o side

24 Lingu/o tongue

25 Mamm/a, mamm/o mammary gland

26 Nas/o nose

27 Occipit/o back of the head

28 Ocul/o eye

29 Odont/o tooth or teeth

30 Omphal/o navel or umbilicus

31 Onych/o nail or claw

32 Opthalm/o eye or eyes

33 Or/o mouth

34 Ot/o ear

35 Papill/o nipple or nipple shaped

36 Phall/o penis

37 Pil/o hair

38 Pod/o foot or foot shaped

39 Rhin/o nose

40 Somat/o, somatic/o body

41 Steth/o chest

42 Stom, stomat/o mouth

43 Tars/o ankle or edge of the eyelid

44 Thorac/o chest or thorax

45 Thrich/o hair or hair like

46 Ventr/I, ventr/o belly

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