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Class [class number/name]

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Presentation on theme: "Class [class number/name]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class [class number/name]
Schools Linking Class [class number/name]

2 What are we doing? We are really excited to link with the year [class number] class from [school name] to work on a year long project! We are exploring four very important questions Who am I? Who are we? Where do we live? How do we all live together?

3 How are we doing it? We are exchanging thoughts, feelings, ideas and work with our link class all year long. We will send letters in the post, send s and even video call them!

4 Do our two classes get to meet?
YES! We are very excited that we will get to meet our link class this term at [neutral venue visit]. We are also going to go and visit them at their school and ask them if they would like to come and visit us here.

5 How do we feel about it? [quotes from the class]

6 What are we most looking forward to finding out about our link class?
[quotes from the class]

7 What do we want them to know about our school?
[quotes from the class]


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