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Life in Southeast Asia Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Life in Southeast Asia Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in Southeast Asia Review

2 What were some drawbacks and benefits to the One-Child Policy in China?
It infringed on people’s rights It limits the future workforce It “grays” the population – higher % of elderly It leads to desperation/poverty Benefits It helps the environmental impact of China It may limit poverty It leads to more job opportunities for younger generations It preserves resources

3 Draw a population pyramid for Japan and India. Label and explain each.

4 Japan India Narrower base due to lower birth rates Wider top due to higher life expectancy Wider base due to higher birth rates Narrower top due to lower life expectancy

5 What is the diversity of China, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea like?
There is relative little diversity in each For example – Japan is over 90% ethnically Japanese, China is over 90% ethnically Chinese In contrast, the United States has no majority ethnic group – it is very diverse Ethnicity is very homogeneous

6 What colors on this map represent: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Shintoism? How do you know?
Buddhism – Orange, green/brown located in China and SE Asia Hinduism – Bright pink located in India and Bangladesh Islam – Dark Green and red/brown located in Western Asia and Northern Africa Shintoism – pale blue located in Japan

7 Fertility rate means the average number of children born per woman – what is an example of a country where the fertility rate would be low and an example where it would be high?

8 India’s age of first marriage is very low – at 17 – why is this so?
High fertility/birth rates = high poverty Many families must marry daughters young to ensure survival Girls are not equal to boys Girls are not as able to attend college Fathers are the heads of households

9 How is education valued differently in China and Japan compared to the United States?
Education is valued more Higher teacher respect (Confucianism) Longer school hours Strict yearly exams Education is viewed as a way to escape poverty, not an obligation

10 Describe the trade relationship between the United States and China – how does this benefit and harm the United States economy? There is a trade deficit The United States imports more goods to China than it exports Nearly $400 billion deficit Benefits Cheaper goods Lower prices Drawbacks Fewer American jobs/goods Debt

11 Put away all whiteboards and markers With one partner in the class – write a practice question on a ¼ sheet of paper, from the notes, that may be answered with one word or a short phrase – hand in to Mrs. Gee when finished Include your answer and names! Good Example Question: What is the birthrate of India like? Answer – High

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