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How do the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?

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1 How do the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?
The Allied Victory How do the Allies defeat the Axis Powers?

2 I. D-Day: Invasion of Normandy, France (European Arena)
A. Gen Eisenhower is named Allied Supreme Commander in Europe B. June 6, 1944: Allies launch an invasion in Normandy, France (N. France) 1. Led by Gen. George Patton, 150K allied troops land, 27K KIA 1st day 2. Gen. Omar Bradley begins air assault, Allies winning within a month Great Britain

3 Men land on the beaches of Normandy
Czech “hedgehog” to prevent Allied boats and vehicles from landing The view from Normandy once Allies took control

4 II. The German Surrender
A. Allies push Germany from the South & West, Soviets push from East B. Dec 1944: Last German offensive (massive!) at Battle of the Bulge (in Belgium) 1. March 1945: Allied troops win Battle of Bulge * FDR dies 04/12/45, Harry Truman becomes president C. April 1945: Hitler commits suicide – Germany surrenders 05/07/45, effective 05/08/45 (V-E Day)

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