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Elements of a Short Story

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1 Elements of a Short Story

2 Elements of a Short Story
Plot - exposition statement - rising action - conflict - climax - falling action - resolution Theme Setting Characters Point of view Characterization

3 THEME The main idea of a literary work, usually expressed as a generalization. SETTING The time and place in which a work of literature happens.

4 CHARACTERS POINT OF VIEW The people (or actors) in the story.
The story teller from whose point of view the story is being told, the narrator.

5 CHARACTERIZATION The description of the personalities of the characters in the story and the way in which an author reveals their personalities.

6 PLOT The sequence or order of events in a story. The plot includes:
Exposition Statement - The part of the plot that tells how the story begins. Rising Action - The action in the story leading up to the climax. Conflict - Struggles or problems between opposing forces.

7 More PLOT Climax - The point of crisis in the plot. It may be the reader’s point of highest interest. Falling action - The action in the story after the climax is revealed. Resolution - The part of the plot that reveals the final outcome.

8 PLOT DIAGRAM Climax Rising Action Conflict Exposition Resolution
Climax Rising Action Conflict Falling Action Exposition Resolution

9 Bibliography Dinneen, K. Elements of the Short Story. Retrieved Jun , 2003, from Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute: Five Elements of a Story. Retrieved Jun. 19, 2003, Guevin, D. Short Story Elements. Retrieved Jun. 19, 2003,

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