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How Did Rapid Change During the Meiji Period Affect Japan’s Worldview?

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1 How Did Rapid Change During the Meiji Period Affect Japan’s Worldview?
Chapter 6 How Did Rapid Change During the Meiji Period Affect Japan’s Worldview?

2 At the beginning of the Meiji Period, there were two things that Japan wanted to become.
A military Power Economically Self-sufficient

3 How to Implement the Change?
Some of the Western ideologies that the Japanese borrowed and adapted were Aspects of democracy, such as elected representatives Public education, to help adjust to an industrialized nation Embraced new Technologies, like steam powered machinery No other country has adapted so quickly or successfully

4 How Did Modernizing the Japanese Political System Reflect a New Worldview?
The Japanese believed in implementing an Oligarchy government, and slowly move towards a Constitutional government. For this new government to work, the emperor needed to unify the country Domains were replayed by prefecture system Used himself as a symbol to develop strong nationalistic feelings

5 Two main groups developed after looking at the different governments in the west
the Japanese finally agreed on a strong cabinet and limited powers of parliament, called a Dajoken. This new government put an end to the feudal class system and left the Japanese with one obligation – be loyal to the emperor and the state. Liberal Conservative Supported French and American ideas of Human Rights Supported the German model of centralized control

6 The new government wanted to make a constitution because
Most strong European countries had constitutions Western countries would regard Japan as a stronger nation if it had western-style constitution A constitution would unify Japan After the constitution was written, (pg 197), there were political debates, some lead to violent revolts, and a call for a representative government.

7 How Did Japan Change Its Economic System?
Industrialization New factories like munitions, gunpowder, silk and textile, glass, and chemical plants The government funded and owned businesses and handed them over to private owners within 10 years They also increased import tariffs to make domestic products cheaper Pg 202

8 Capitalism To help the Japanese government, the Minister of Finance did three things Saw the need to renegotiate unequal treaties – adapted economic polices that would protect Japan Encourage more private business Imposed new taxes and lowered the value of printed money This caused the national income to increase

9 Five of the ways in which Japan industrialized.
New railroads Deep water harbors Telephone systems New technology and industries Money was lent to start new businesses

10 How Did Japan Change Its Military System to Meet Political Needs?
In Western countries, the military was part of the political and economical systems. Japan too wanted this because; They wanted obedient and disciplined soldiers Japan did not want to be seen as a weak military nation in comparison to Western powers Wanted to become a colonial power Wanted to ensure they could meet their military goals

11 Japan modeled the German army and the British Navy

12 How Did Japan’s New Worldview Change Its Social System?
No feudal system Individuals could achieve better status, change occupations, move around the country, and obtain an education. The Education system changed Edo Period Meiji Period People learned practical knowledge Standardized curriculum Schools mainly for samurai children Elementary schools for everyone

13 The Worldview of the Japanese changed and the national military broke down the classes and regional differences Peasants received educational training

14 Peasants returned home and shared what they had learned with their families and they had developed a sense of loyalty to the emperor (nationalism) Before the peasants left home they were illiterate when they returned they could read

15 Three main goals were achieved by the military.
Changed the influence and power it had with other nations Helped to keep the nation united Protected its independence

16 How did Japan's Culture Change?
Religion Oligarchy wanted to make Shinto the national religion. But the schools were still teaching Confucianism, and the military was still teaching bushido. Eventually allowed freedom of religion

17 Pushed for individual success
Attitudes Pushed for individual success ‘Civilization and Enlightenment’ (bunmei kaika) In the old ways people worked in harmony with each other. ‘For the sake of the country’ (kuni no tame) After failing to renegotiate treaties, writers started pushing the importance of retaining Japanese traditional values

18 Citizenship and Participation
Peasants no longer were just exposed to the day to day concerns of life They started to write letters and form lobby groups to let the government know if they were unhappy How Did Japan’s Changes in the Edo period differ from those in the Meiji period?

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