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Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development

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1 Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 UNDP Mozambique CPD Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development CPD Pillar I: Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Transformation Relevance to National Priority: PQG Priority III: Promote employment and enhance productivity and competitiveness Alignment to SDGs: Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive environment and decent work for all Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries March 2017 UNDP Mozambique

2 Area of Project Intervention
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 Area of Project Intervention Output I: Enhanced policy coherence on trade and economic transformation for inclusive and sustainable growth Government partner: MIC Project partner: UNIDO, FAO, EIF, UNCTAD Output II: Strengthen institutional capacity to develop value chain for local economic development Government partner: MITADER Project partner: FAO UNDP relevant project: Local Governance & Local Development project

3 UNDP Mozambique CPD 2017-2020: Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development
2019/8/1 Project Outputs Output I: Enhanced policy coherence on trade and economic transformation for inclusive and sustainable growth Development Challenge The challenge of economic transformation and inclusive growh is rooted in the difiiculty and complexity of policy coherence and coordination among various insititutions in government, private sector, academia, civil society organizations and development partners. Key Outputs of UNDP Interventions Strengthen institutional capacity of policy coordination for coherent policy action Private sector, academia and CSOs participate in policy dialogue on economic transformation Key value chain identified and studied jointly by public sector, private sector and academia

4 UNDP Mozambique CPD 2017-2020: Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development
2019/8/1 Project Outputs Output II: Strengthen institutional capacity to develop value chain for local economic development Development Challenge The economy will be transformed when the contury has productive and competitive private sector, with skilled labours, who play a fundamental role in local business creation and market linkage between investments and local economy. Key Outputs of UNDP Interventions Institutional capacity built for better coordination to establish sustainable partnership at district level Business plans elaborated by small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs through capacity building Value chain strengthened by scaling-up existing successful innovative approaches and technologies

5 MIC & Agencia de Promoção de Investimento e Exportação (APIEX)
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 Output I: Evidence-Informed Trade Policy Coordination Mechanism (ETPCM) MEF MIC Key Outputs Improve trade data availability and production of report on Mozambique’s positioning in global economy Effective inter-institutional coordination mechanism in place Conference on economic transformation and trade policy organized Seminar/event to build a capacity on selected economic transformation agenda Key value chain is identified and studied jointly by public-private-academia MIC & Agencia de Promoção de Investimento e Exportação (APIEX) Coordination with MEF, INE, BM, AT for validation of data and planning Coordination with other sectors: MASA, MMAIP, MIREME, MITADER Engagement with private sector, academia and civil society Evidence-informed policy dialogue and coordination for coherent policy making In collaboration with

6 Output II: Local Economic Development through Value Chain Development
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 Output II: Local Economic Development through Value Chain Development 1. Policy level support 2. Institutional capacity built for effective planning and better coordination to establish sustainable partnership at district level Policy level support under UNDP Local Governance and Local Development MITADER Seeking synergy with UNDP Local Governance and Local Development project MITADER/DNDR Provincial Government Technical assistance and project coordination SDAE Business Service Centre Partnership Technical support Value Chain Development Support Partners UN agencies IFIs National institutions Bilateral donors Private sector CSO/INGO Academia MSMEs Smallholder famers, etc. Value Chain Development Support 3. Value chain in local community strengthened by scaling-up existing successful innovative approaches and technologies 4. Business plans implemented by small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs through capacity building

7 Governance and Management Arrangements
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 Governance and Management Arrangements Project Board (Project Governance Mechanism) Senior Beneficiary MIC, MITADER Project Executive DNDR (MITADER) Senior Supplier UNDP Project Support UNDP Project Assistant UNDP Local Governance & Local Development project Project Assurance Project Board UNDP, FAO, UNIDO Project Manager Technical Advisor (TA) Project Partner UNIDO and EIF (ETPCM component) FAO (Value chain component) Project Team I (Output 1: ETPCM component) DNCE, DPE Working group consists of MIC, MASA, MMAIP, MEF, INE, BM, AT and AIC Project Team II (Output 2: Value chain component) DNDR, DINAS DPTADER, DPASA SDAE (and BSC) in district Provincial Project Coordinator

8 Budget and Resource Mobilization
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 Budget and Resource Mobilization UNDP Technical assistance Provincial project coordinator Monitoring and evaluation Donors Financial contribution for project implementation In-kind contribution (Potential donors: AfDB, Canada, EU Finland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Sweden) MIC & MITADER Personnel for project implementation at national, provincial and district level Office space, etc. for TA and national project coordinator FAO, UNIDO, EIF Technical assistance, co-hosting event and workshops Total: USD 3 million [indicative]

9 Key Project Output Indicators
UNDP Mozambique CPD : Inclusive Growth, Trade and Private Sector Development 2019/8/1 Key Project Output Indicators Output Indicators Target ( ) Output 1.1: # of trade analysis report elaborated 3 Output 1.2: # of people participate in policy dialogue and capacity building on economic transformation agenda, targeting 50% or more women 1800 Output 1.3: # of value chain studied jointly by public sector, private sector and academia Output 2.1: # of partnership created to strengthen local value chain 7 Output 2.2: # of business plan implemented by small-holder farmers and/or entrepreneurs, targeting women and youth 6 Output 2.3: # of people benefitting through value chain development in local community using innovative approach, by replicating existing successful intervention, targeting 50% or more women 2000 UNDP, UNIDO and EIF will work jointly UNDP and FAO will work jointly

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