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Usefulness of participants’ reports in studying and analyzing outcomes and learning effects in Erasmus+. Siru Korkala 29 Nov 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Usefulness of participants’ reports in studying and analyzing outcomes and learning effects in Erasmus+. Siru Korkala 29 Nov 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Usefulness of participants’ reports in studying and analyzing outcomes and learning effects in Erasmus+. Siru Korkala 29 Nov 2018

Showing and Identifying Impact of Erasmus+ on EU and National Level TCA Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia and Austria 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

3 The data and aim of the model
Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility in VET, Participant’s reports from 9 countries Learners and staff Aim: to develop an impact model for ERASMUS +, illustrating the effects of the program for learners, teachers and trainers and educational institutions 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

4 Impact assessment model MIA
Methodological Approach Selection of Questions Scaling and transfer of answers to scales Calculation the sub-indicators for issues selected Calculating the overall indicator The questions are selected to the themes Correlation analysis: to assess the correlation patterne between all indicators Confirmatory factor analysis: to test for uni-dimensionality and meassure the indicators ability to explain the variance of the theretical concept Cronbach's alpha: a single paramater meassuring to what extent a group of indicators are meassuring «the same thing» - assuming unidimensionality Six major themes: Competence Innovation Employability Professional development System improvement EU-citizenship 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

5 Country comparison: all topics 2014 + 2015 (1 strongly disagree – 5 strongly agree)
31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

6 Challenges The empirical data are given – vi can not design a new measurement instrument but will have to rely on existing data The values reflect the participants' assessment of the effects of mobilities on the selected topics - no "objective" measures or empirically verifiable actual effects! Benefits Nevertheless reliable measure of individually perceived or expected effects of mobilities, due to the high response rates Longitudinal comparison of indicators (and sub-indicators) Comparison between participating countries In principle also analysable in a greater disaggregation: level of individual questions, socio-economic characteristics (such as gender, nationality, age, type of vocational training, level of education), characteristics of the sending or receiving institutions (country, region, type of institution), implementation characteristics ( Mobility type, duration of mobility) 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

7 Participant reports as a research data
General remarks Some questions are asked too soon after the mobility period Questions about the effects Easier for staff to answer right after the mobility period Questions about administration etc. Open questions gives more information than statements 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

8 Advantages Comprehensive data on user experience from the biggest education cooperation program in the world. Official data from E+/Commission National monitoring Comparative data between countries and between different actions and levels of education Comparative data that have not been explored – interesting to find its potential One important data source that should be used together with other relevant sources (administrative data, surveys, interviews, observation, expert evaluation…) Important information for educational institutions (succeeding) Institutions can promote themselves 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

9 Disadvantages Extensive (too long) questionnaire, not adapted to different target groups Some questions and concepts too abstract for young people Little control on data collection process/non existing guidelines Danger of biased self reporting due to economic binding Yearly changes to the questionnaire Not possible to add any national questions Scale-variables are as text, must be recoded 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

10 Improvement ideas Commission could produce more country specific comparison Would enhance the service that NA provides to educational institutions More clear questions / one issue per question 31/07/2019 Finnish National Agency for Education

11 Thank you

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