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Research organizations

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1 Research organizations
Christopher O’Neill Ciaran McElhinney

2 BARB (Broadcasters Audience Research Board)
Barb is responsible for delivering the television Audience measurement system. The research that barb does covers 5 questions. 1. Who is watching 2. what are they watching 3. When are they watching 4. What screen are they watching on (TV/ipad etc.) 5. How did the content get to the screen Television is the only way of viewing media that is measured 24/7 They measure what people watch by selecting a barb panel of 5100 households with over people living in these homes who represent what British people are watching, they select these houses by interviewing thousands of people to pick the right houses that need to be represented. BARB are able to do establishment surveys that measure the change in how media is viewed and what services are being used. There are however some limitation with this way of measurement as BARB are unable to find out what type of person is watching a certain show and how many people in the household is watching a particular show.

3 Who is watching and when
Meters installation On your TV, Computer, laptop and phone Hand set viewing device They capture sounds which determines the program there watching They use sound instead of images because the sounds is easy to identify Barb needs confidentiality with the houses they are monitoring so if the house members make it open that they are part of BARBS research they will be removed from the study, it also studies irregularities in a households measurement. we-do?_s=4

4 BARB’s future plans Project dovetail is a future project that BARB plan on using in order to tackle limitations that their current way of measurement faces. It involves the joining of 2 data sources, the information from the 5100 houses as well as device based data from web servers which monitor how online TV is being watched. This will led to robust cross-platform measurement so that our costumers know what's being watched, by whom and on which device.

5 RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research)
RAJAR is the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK It is jointly owned by the BBC and the Radiocentre. There is approximately 310 individual stations on the survey

6 How RAJAR does research
Rajar has it’s own Research service Data is collected using a seven day listening diary, approximately 110,000 adults over the age of 15 are asked it fill one out over the 50 weeks of the year. Diaries can also be given to 2 children aged years. Each respondent is asked to sort through a set of cards with the names of all the radio stations in the area and invited to select all the stations which they might listen to or hear in various situations. The only time that measurement is stopped is during the Christmas and new year holiday period.

7 Fieldwork materials Questionnaires Station cards and Labels The Diary
Note: All questionnaires and diaries are scanned in order to process the date.

8 Data processing and publication
Once the date has been collected, weighting procedures are implemented to ensure that the population estimate on which the station’s audience is based is representative of the entire TSA’s population. Pre-weights are applied to correct for disproportionate sampling at the segment level. Ethnic Origin pre-weights are also applied to correct imbalances in the achieved sample according to “white” and “non-white” groups. Final rim weights reflect demographic weighting to correct the profile of the achieved sample in the total universe and each TSA in terms of sex, age, social grade and household size. The RAJAR frequency of reporting are monthly, quarterly, 6-mounthly and yearly, with a different set of weights for each frequencies, it is also not possible to compare quarterly results with monthly by dividing as they are completely different sets of data. The quarterly summary is released in public domain by RAJAR every quarter, which gives the latest “top-line” results for both the BBC and Commercial Radio Stations.

9 Abc (Audie Bureau of Circulations)
ABC was founded on 14th October 1931 by the ISBA (society of British advertisers. It was founded to provide a independent audit and compliance services and to bring the industry together to agree measurement and process reporting standards that define what counts and determine best practice. ABC’S board consists of representatives from advertisers, media agencies, media owners and trade bodies.

10 Research ABC’S team of experts verify data across a wide range of media channels including print, online and events and look to include new platforms as they emerge. ABC takes a census based approach which means counting every interaction rather than using a survey sample. This allows them to provide granular detail across channels to showcase performance and support the media buying process.

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