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All fresh water comes from precipitation.

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1 All fresh water comes from precipitation.
How does a river flow? All fresh water comes from precipitation.

2 River Systems A river and all of its tributaries together make up a river system. Tributary: streams and smaller rivers that feed into a main river. Tributaries flow downhill- pulled by the force of gravity.

3 Exploring a River

4 Exploring a River Headwaters: many small streams come together at the source of the river. (Where the river starts) Meander: looping curves in a river. Oxbow Lake: when a meander curves back on itself and the rivers takes a new, straight course.

5 Exploring A River Delta: sediment deposited at the mouth of a river.
Mouth:where the river flows into the ocean or another body of water. Flood Plain: broad, flat valley through which a river flows.

6 Watershed Land area that supplies water to a river system.
Also known as a drainage or river basin. Large rivers maybe a part of a larger river’s drainage/river basin. 17 different river basins in NC Part of Western NC drains into Ohio River basin. We live in the Broad River Basin.

7 Divides One watershed is separated from another by a ridge of land called a divide. Streams on each side of a divide flow in different directions.

8 Eastern Continental Divide
West (past Asheville) rivers will drain into Mississippi River and eventually the Gulf of Mexico. East (Us) rivers will drain into the Atlantic Ocean.

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