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Introduction: Green revolution has increased the use of chemical fertilizer for crop production which has resulted in to reduced use of organic forms of.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction: Green revolution has increased the use of chemical fertilizer for crop production which has resulted in to reduced use of organic forms of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction: Green revolution has increased the use of chemical fertilizer for crop production which has resulted in to reduced use of organic forms of nutrient in to soil like FYM, green manures, etc. Increased prices of inorganic fertilizers has made it economically very difficult to fertigate crops. Green manuring is cost effective technology which reduces the cost of nutrient management in crop production. In green manuring practice, green manuring crop is grown in situ and incorporated in soil to release nutrients in soil.

2 Advantages of Green Manuring
Green manuring adds organic matter in soil and improves soil fertility. Improves the soil structure, soil texture and improves soil aeration. Helps control insect pests, weeds, mite, nematodes, and soil borne diseases. Promotes habitat for natural enemies and increases soil microbial biodiversity.

3 Features of Green Manure Crops
Green manuring crops have short duration, fast growth, high nutrient accumulation ability and tolerance to adverse climatic conditions. Wide ecological adaptability, photoperiodic insensitiveness and biological nitrogen fixation ability. Resistant to Insect pest, diseases and weeds with profuse seed producing potential. Responsive to bio-fertilizer inoculation and higher nitrogen fixation in underground plant parts.

4 Biomass Production (ton/ ha) Available nutrients in Kg /ha
Green Manure Crops Green Manure Crop Biomass Production (ton/ ha) Available nutrients in Kg /ha Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash Dhaincha 18.4 79.1 73.6 147.2 Sun hemp 19.5 83.9 78.0 156.0 French bean 63.6 36.8 110.4 Berseem 15.0 54.2 28.0 58.8 Green gram 07.4 39.0 14.8 44.4 Glyricidia 20.0 10.0 23.0

5 Forms of Green Manuring
Growing green manure crop in fallow land improves soil fertility and productivity status of fallow lands. Alley Cropping: Fast growing trees, shrubs and grasses from legumes group are planted in orchard rows and are regularly cut back and used as green manure in fields. Integration of trees into crop land on bunds and boundaries in traditional farming systems.

6 Forms of Green Manuring
Live Mulching: Low height dense cover crop of grasses or legumes, are sown in field. Broadcasting or sowing seeds of green manure crops after harvest of previous crop and cutting them at flowering and incorporating in soil by ploughing. New crop is sown or transplanted 1-2 weeks after the incorporation of the green manure crop in field.

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