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MUL operation.

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1 MUL operation

2 MLU Operations The MUL instruction multiplies an 8-,16-,32-bits operand by either AL,AX,or EAX. The instruction format is: MUL r/m8 MUL r/m16 MUL r/m32 The result is in EDX and EAX . EDX sets the flag register if it is not zero ( as the result of operation over flow situation is Eax carries the product of operation. Will we go through the detail of multiplication and division instruction later on this course.

3 Example: TITLE Multiply (AddSub2.asm)
; This program Multiply two decimal numbers together. We need to put the first operand in eax, the ;second operand in another multi purpose register. The product goes to eax ; Last update: 2/1/02 INCLUDE .data val1 dword 10 val2 dword 40 .code main PROC mov eax,val1 ; eax=10 mov ebx,val2 ; ebx=40 mul ebx ; eax=ebx*eax call writedec exit main ENDP END main

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