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Sparta Elementary 1st Grade Curriculum

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1 Sparta Elementary 1st Grade Curriculum
Teachers: Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Welborn, Mrs. Rhea, & Mrs. West

2 Reading & ELA Spelling patterns Comprehension Fluency
Sight words (no sounding out) Guided Reading Groups

3 Reading Beginning year text – “Look at the rain,” said Dad. “Get your umbrella.” (Level C/3) Middle year text – “Mandy and her brother and sister got new shoes. Her brother got a pair of shoes for his soccer game. The shoes came in a red box with white stripes on it. (Level G/12)

4 Reading cont. End of the year text – “The giraffes walked to an open field. Their kites sailed high up into the sky. The giraffes were so tall. Their kites flew higher than the trees. Just then, the wind blew hard across the field.” (Level J/18)

5 Accelerated Reader (AR)
Students will take the STAR test when they reach a DRA level of E/8. After the STAR test, goals will be set and students can take AR tests on their books. In January, all first graders will take the STAR test and begin AR tests. Students who take AR tests can accumulate points to shop at the AR store. AR is not for a grade, but an incentive program to encourage reading.

6 Writing Punctuation Capitalization Complete sentences Editing Revising
Beginning, middle, and end of a story Sequencing

7 Math Patterns Graphs Number concepts (1-99) Addition & subtraction
Fact families Place value Skip counting (2, 5, 10) Geometry (2D & 3D shapes) Time (hour & half hour) Fractions Measurement (non-standard) Money (identify & value)

8 Science 5 senses Science tools Living & Non-living
Rocks, Soil, and Water Force & Motion CATCH – Everyday Foods for Health Heat, Light, and Sound Magnets Plants & Animals Weather

9 Social Studies Celebrate freedom My family Maps Wants & needs
Goods & Services Customs & Cultures Citizenship Historical figures U.S. symbols Texas symbols Fairy Tales, Fables, and Folktales Cross cultural literature

10 Handwriting D’Nealian alphabet Lower case letters
Top to bottom letter formation

11 Grading 9 week grading system Progress reports at 3 weeks and 6 weeks
1st 3 weeks-phone calls

12 Tips: How you can help Homework-due on Thursday Read for enjoyment
Read library books Practice sight words Practice handwriting Read the Guided Reading book at least two times.

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