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Parliament General Election DC & RC TRAINING

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1 Parliament General Election- 2019 DC & RC TRAINING

2 GENERAL INSTRUCTION Collect your Identity Card prior to DC day.
Reach DC on P-1/P-2 day by 8 A.M. sharp and identify your counter where you have been deployed. Get acquainted with other officials assigned at your counter. Be seated at your respective counter and don’t loiter.

3 DC COMPONENTS 1. Display of Decoding list. 2. Announcement & Enquiry Counter. 3. SMS & Mobile registration. 4. Videographer tagging Counter. 5. Reserve PP tagging Counter. 6. Micro Observer tagging. 7. Training on Demand. 8. Material Counter. 9. Distribution Counters. 10. Police tagging Counter. 11. Vehicle tagging Counter.

4 Display of Decoding list.
Single / Multiple display screens at prominent places of DC. Decoding of PP code to Polling stations will be displayed. Polling Parties will know their Polling stations from the display screen. Polling Parties will move to the respective DC counter.

5 Announcement & Enquiry Counter
1. To announce general instructions to facilitate the polling parties. 2. To provide information regarding the location of the decoded list. 3. To meet up any query raised by polling parties. 4. To provide the information relating to transport, police tagging, micro observer tagging, videographer tagging, etc to polling parties. 5. They will also get information regarding polling stations where CCTV and Web casting facility already installed. 6. To request for mobile registration, if not done earlier.

6 Check whether the Pro/1ST PO have registered their mobiles.
MOBILE REGISTRATION Check whether the Pro/1ST PO have registered their mobiles. If not, help them in mobile registration as per syntax provided. Obtain mobile no of Pro & 1st PO, so that mobile registration can be done centrally, in cases of left out officials. Pro/1ST PO will send sms regarding Poll either through syntax or downloaded “PP app”.

7 DISTRIBUTION COUNTER Approximately Polling Stations will be assigned per counter. 2. Take attendance of all Polling Personnel on sheet provided by PP Cell. 3. Cross verify the Polling Station No corresponding to Party No from the decoding list.

8 DISTRIBUTION COUNTER 4. The Polling Personnel have already known their assigned polling stations from decoded list. 5. To hand over the materials to the Presiding Officer or 1st PO. 6. In case any polling officer is absent up to 12 noon, please send the requisition to the Reserve Tagging Counter and to deliver the material thereof.

EVM & VVPAT MATERIAL BAG – it contains : Plastic Folder Plastic Pouch containing material seals Plastic Pouch containing different paper seals A big carry bag containing various items A small carry bag containing voter slip etc A bundle of different envelops Dummy BU, EVM-VVPAT flyer, CEO’s appeal. TENDERED BALLOT PAPER BRAILE BALLOT PAPER MARKED COPY OF ELECTORAL ROLL VOTING COMPARTMENT

10 EVM & VVPAT Hand over CU, BU & VVPAT as per polling station no.
Cross verify PS name and Number from address tags before to hand over. Advise the PP not to connect CU, BU & VVPAT prior to Poll.

11 MATERIAL BAG One bag each for one PS will be supplied.
Each bag will have the no of PS inscribed on bag. Bag will contain all polling materials, stationery, etc in segregated manner. A check list will also be provided for cross checking of all materials . LINK

12 Plastic Folder Book for Forms (contains of book of forms enclosed in separate sheet.)\ Spl. Booklet (contains of Spl. Booklet enclosed in separate sheet.) Receipt book for challenge fees. Voter’s Register Pr.O’s Diary Pr.O’s Declaration, EVM., VVPAT Brochure, One page multi colour poster (how to vote)

13 2nd Plastic Pouch containing different paper seals
Pr.O’s Metal Seal (1 no. per PS) Mock Poll slips Stamp (1 no. per PS) Arrow Cross Mark (2 nos. per PS) Distinguishing Mark (2 nos. per PS)

14 1st Plastic Pouch containing material seals
Green Paper seal (2 no. per PS) Strip Seal (2 nos. per PS) Pink Paper Seal (2 nos. per PS) Spl. Address Tag (2 nos. per PS) Common Address Tag

15 A big carry bag containing various items
This bag contains 29 items Items like Indelible Ink, Special Plastic box for keeping VVPAT Mock Poll slip, Health kit, Stamp Pad etc are available. All related Stationery items.

16 A small carry bag containing voter slip etc
Voter Slip – As per voters. Queue slip – 100 nos. Entry passes of polling agents – Card Board for sealing (3”x1”) (3nos. Per PS) Blank Paper – 8 sheets Carbon Paper – 3 nos. Signage Mock Poll Poster I Page Appeal (Security Assurance) – Press Note

17 A bundle of different envelops
6 (Six) statutory covers (Green). 12 (twelve) non statutory covers (Yellow) 3rd Packet (Brown) 4th Packet (Blue) Black cover 15 (fifteen) other covers marked for various items. Blank cover.

18 TENDERED BALLOT PAPER Tendered ballots containing 20 each will be supplied in packet. 2. Each packet will have the name and number of polling stations. 3. Cross check and hand over packet to the earmarked polling party.

19 OTHER MATERIALS The following materials will also be dispersed to the polling party : Voting Compartment Braile Ballot paper 3. Marked copy of Electoral Roll

Polling Station details. Vehicle Details sheet SMS Syntax.

21 REGISTER OF RECEIPT One register for receipt of materials by the PrO will be supplied for each counter. The register will be pre-filled with a) CU ID No b) BU ID No c) VVPAT ID No d) Ballot Paper No e) Green Paper seal No f) Strip seal No g) Pink Paper seal No h) Special Tag No 3. Pro to check all and put signature in appropriate column.

List of Polling Stations will be available where CCTV or Videographer will be tagged. Polling Party will take CCTV or Videographer before leaving DC .

Requisition for reserve polling party will be given by the Counter Supervisor of Distribution Counter . On receiving of requisition reserve PP will be tagged after noon. 3. After tagging of reserve PP, the polling party will receive material from respective counter.

List of Tagged Micro Observers to be available at counter. MO will be dispatched with polling party.

EVM & VVPAT will be available in the counter. Training to be imparted as per demand of the polling party.

Reserve material will be available in the counter . If there is any shortfall reported by the PP, material to be provided.

27 Police and Vehicle Tagging
Police Personnel will be tagged with the Polling Parties at Police tagging counter. Vehicle tagging counter will provide ear marked vehicle for the respective polling party.

28 FOR RC …… Reach respective RC by 4 PM positively.
2. Counters shall be same as DC counter. 3. Attend last minute briefing at RC.

29 RC COMPONENTS Single window receiving Counter.
Receiving of Special items / Booklet. Receiving of polled material. PS05, A05 and P05 Scrutiny Sheet Counter. EVM Movement (Receiving Counter to Strong Room). Announcement & Enquiry Counter. Video / CCTV/ Web Casting Counter. Micro Observer’s Report Collection Counter.


The following items will be checked and received first at Receiving Counter: Special Booklet One sealed and one unsealed copy of 17C (Ballot Paper Account) One sealed copy and one unsealed of Declaration of Presiding Officer (Part I-IV) Presiding Officer's Diary A Brown envelop containing PS05 and 24 point information sheet 16 Points Report of Presiding Officer Visit sheet Mock poll certificate LINK

32 EVM & VVPAT Check whether CU, BU & VVPAT are sealed with address tags.
Cross check the PS name and No of address tags. Check whether one copy of 17C in sealed envelope is tied on handle of CU. 4. Check whether one copy of Pro Declaration in sealed envelope is tied on handle of the CU. 5. Send back the EVMs & VVPAT to the strong room.

33 1ST PACKET(GREEN) 1st packet is the STATUTORY PACKET.
The first packet will have following 05 sealed envelopes inside: a) cover containing 17A. b) Cover containing Marked copy of roll. c) Cover containing Voters slip( used). d) Cover containing 17 B and used tendered ballot paper. e) Cover containing unused Tendered ballot paper. 3. Check whether all envelopes are placed under the 1st Packet.

34 Other Packets 1.Colour of the Second Packet will be Yellow (Non Statutory). 2. Colour of the 3rd packet will be Brown. 3. Colour of the 4th packet will be Blue. 4. See whether the 2nd,3rd,4th packets are submitted.

35 ADDITIONAL MATTERS 1.Videographer/ CCTV/ Web Casting personnel to submit his report and camera to the specified counter. 2.Micro-observers to report at counter of micro observer’s report collection. 3.Release the Pro after checking the checklist for material submission. 4.The PP shall be released only on satisfaction of all points of checklist.


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