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Welcome to Physics 5305!!.

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1 Welcome to Physics 5305!!

2 Get into the habit of checking this page often!
Class Web Page! There, you will find: 1. Posted (MS Word format): Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments & Solutions, Exams. 2. Posted (MS Power Point format): Lectures 3. IMPORTANT Class Announcements & Calendar Items! 5. Other important items relating to this class. PLEASE!! Get into the habit of checking this page often!

3 Linked from the class Web Page is:
The Announcement Page: Contains class announcements & major calendar items. Please check it often! If you are interested, you might also check out My Web page at:

4 Physics 5305 Email Distribution List!
It is VERY important that you have an address & that I have it!!! I will use the distribution list to make important class announcements!!! It is VERY important that you check your DAILY!!! (PLEASE tell me if you change address!)

5 Assignment Number 1 Due 5PM, Wednesday, January 19, 2010!!!
20 EXTRA POINTS towards your homework grade!! Send me an message: Include your name & Physics 5305 in the message. address: Due 5PM, Wednesday, January 19, 2010!!!

6 Where to Go for Help?? Your Fellow Students!!!
A very effective strategy is to work on homework and to study for exams together in a group. This is how professionals work in the “real world”. Me (office hours or not!) The Internet!!! There are LARGE numbers of Statistical Physics Help sites! Using & typing in “Statistical Physics Help” gives more than 4,100,000 hits!!!! Class Web Page!

7 To Succeed in this Course
See the document: “How to Succeed in Statistical Physics by Really Trying”! READ the book, which cost you many $$$! It’s most effective to read the material BEFORE I lecture over it. WORK the assigned homework problems!! No looking at solutions from previous years! That is CHEATING! Copying the solutions will NOT teach you physics! WORK extra problems!

8 To Succeed in this Course
COME TO CLASS!! There is a correlation between attendance & grade! Also, skipping means that you are WASTING the tuition & fees that you (or your someone) paid! With tuition & fees for a full-time student, each class meeting costs about $23. Each time you skip, you are throwing away $23!! After a while this adds up! My lectures may not be entertaining or brilliant, but I do expose you to the material. ATTENDANCE!!! THE WEEKEND DOESN’T BEGIN THURSDAY (or end Monday)!!!! FRIDAY IS A CLASS DAY (as is Monday)!!!

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