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The End of the Twelve Year Long, Thousand Year Reich

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1 The End of the Twelve Year Long, Thousand Year Reich
The European Theater The End of the Twelve Year Long, Thousand Year Reich

2 U.S. Enters the War America enters the war Massive industrial output
Bring new soldiers

3 Africa and Italy U.S. and Britain attack German and Italian forces in Africa. Initially get slaughtered. Eventually we gain experience Deny the Axis the precious oil fields. Attacked Sicily and Italy Mussolini gets deposed.

4 Operation Overlord Allied invasion of occupied France
Dwight Eisenhower is the Commander of the Operation Goal: Amphibious landing on 5 beaches to clear a foothold for future troop landings. Operation Fortitude: Fake army tricked Germans.

5 D-Day June 6th, 1944: Normandy, France
The night before thousands of Airborne troopers in France Capture key bridges and towns. All beaches captured Omaha beach is the only beach heavily defended.

6 Market Garden September 17-25, 1944: Plan to end the war by Christmas.
Send in paratroopers to capture key bridges as tanks and soldiers advance. Failure German heavy tank battalion nearby which the lightly armed paratroopers can’t fight.




10 Battle of Kursk Largest tank battle in history.
2,700 German Tanks vs. 3,500 Soviet Tanks. 800K German soldiers vs. 1.3 million Soviets. July- August, 1943: Last Nazi offensive on the Eastern Front.







17 Battle of the Bulge Dec. 16-Jan. 25, 1945-Hitler’s last offensive in the West. Nearly break through the front lines. War is near the end.




21 Victory in Europe On April 25, 1945, U.S. and Russian troops meet.
Hitler and his wife commit suicide April 30th. Mussolini and his mistress will be captured by Italians and executed. May 2nd, Berlin surrenders to the Soviet Union VE-Day-Germany officially surrenders May 8th 1945.

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